Updates from university occupations in Toulouse and Montpellier following the withdrawal of the CPE.
The 20,000 students of Paul Valéry University have been called by the management department to vote for or against the release of the campus, as Jean-Marie Miossec, the president of the faculty, announced on Tuesday, 11th April. All access to the building accesses has been blocked by anti-CPE students since the 21st February.
The poll will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 13th April, in the car park of the faculty. The ballot will be secret. “I want a democratic vote and the possibility to put a term to the crisis in calm” declared M. Miossec. “With the withdrawal of the CPE law, the situation is less under pressure. But a minority of students is carrying on the blockage of the campus, including the administrative buildings. This situation causes serious problems and any administrative operation (advancement, transfer, ec.) is on hold for the moment”, he regretted.
Also, from Toulouse:
Jean Azéma the vice-president of Toulouse II university announced that the board of directors will declare a vote in order to take back the lessons. “We are ready to organize exams with some arrangement But we have to know if the blockage will still continue”. Special arrangements will be made for science students at the Paul Sabatier university where exams are suspended until now. Only the students of Arsenal are sure to pass their exams according the announced plan.
The Arsenal site was blocked only four days and a half since the beginning of the national anti-CPE movement. The private faculty of the Catholic Institute where all the lessons were provided during the national demonstrations have already started the examination period.