Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014

Politics (February 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014

Cover (page 1)
Comment (pp. 1-5)
Macdonald, Dwight. Why "POLITICS"? (pp. 6-8)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). Stalin's policy in Europe (pp. 8-9)
Lasky, Melvin J.. "The Breadline and the Movies" (pp. 9-10)
Oakes, J. Walter. permanent Toward a War Economy? (pp. 11-17)
Goodman, Paul. The attempt to invent an American style (pp. 17-18)
Mead, William. The Montreal Police strike (p. 18)
The American Scene. A letter from Petersburg, Va.. (pp. 19-20)
Macdonald, Dwight. Popular Culture. A theory of "Popular Culture" (pp. 20-23)
Lynn, Conrad. Free and Equal. Original Brief in the Case Lynn (pp. 23-26)
Greenberg, Clement. Books. Napoleon III: an interpretation (p. 27)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time (pp. 27-28)
Mills, C. Wright. Books. Socialism and Ethics (p. 28)
Chase, Richard V.. Books. Our age of unreason (p. 28)
Symes, Lillian. Books. American political parties, their natural history (pp. 28-29)
Dirlam, Joel B.. Books. The financing of large corporations, 1920-1939 (p. 29)
Moore, Ely. Books. Union rights and union duties; Democracy in Trade Unions, to survey, with a program of action (pp. 29-30)
Periodicals. "Rousseau and totalitarianism" (p. 30)
Periodicals. Behavior in extreme situations; Problems of Interment Camps (p. 30)
Periodicals. "The Moral Front" (p. 30)
Periodicals. "The regimented economy and the future of Socialism" (pp. 30-31)
Periodicals. "The chinese draft constitution" (p. 31)
Periodicals. Negroes in a war industry: The case of shipbuilding; The black car worker (p. 31)
Periodicals. "The german people and the postwar world" (p. 31)
Periodicals. "Labor in the war - and after" (p. 31)
Notes on contributors (p. 32)



Politics (March 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014

Cover (p. 33)
Macdonald, Dwight. Comment (pp. 33-37)
Bell, Daniel. coming to The tragedy of American labor (pp. 37-42)
Freidel, Frank. The new imperialism, I: the haitian pilot-plant (pp. 43-45)
Mayer, Milton. How to win the war (pp. 45-46)
Macdonald, Dwight. The revival of "political economy" (pp. 46-48)
Meyer, Peter. The Soviet Union: a new class society (pp. 48-55)
Melville, Herman. Modern texts. What Redburn Saw in Launcelott's-Hey (pp. 56-57)
Stampp, Kenneth M.. Free and Equal. Our historians on slavery (pp. 58-59)
Bazelon, David T.. Free and Equal. The Harlem riot: a study in mass frustration (p. 59)
Free and Equal. "The truth about the Detroit riot" (p. 59)
Free and Equal. "Jazz and Its forerunners as an example of acculturation" (p. 59)
Bazelon, David T.. Books. What to do with Germany (pp. 59-60)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. The American senate and world peace (p. 60)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. The new course; The struggle for the new course (p. 61)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. How to think about war and peace (p. 61)
Denton, John Henry. Books. The conscientious objector and the law (p. 61)
Goodman, Paul. Books. Liberal education (p. 62)
The intelligence office (pp. 62-63)
Greenberg, Clement. The intelligence office. Russia and european progress (pp. 63-64)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) The intelligence office. Russia and european progress (p. 64)
Notes on contributors (p. 64)



Politics (April 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 65)
Comment. The MCF - A new Third Party? (pp. 65-68)
Mills, C. Wright. The powerless people: the role of the intellectual in society (pp. 68-72)
Tucci, Nicholas. The Cause that refreshes - Four delicious freedoms (pp. 73-74)
Pincus, Arthur. The new imperialism in Latin America: Twenty and One (pp. 74-80)
Marquart, Frank. A letter on the Michigan Third Party conference (pp. 80-81)
Meyer, Peter. The Soviet Union: a new class society (part two) (pp. 81-85)
Kees, Weldon. A brief introduction to the history of cultures (p. 85)
Macdonald, Dwight. Free and Equal. On the conduct of the Lynn Case (pages 85-88)
Hays, Arthur Garfield. Free and Equal. On the conduct of the Lynn Case. Rejoinder by mr. Hays (p. 88)
Fischer, Ruth. Popular Culture. Bert Brecht, minstrel of the GPU (pp. 88-89)
Serge, Victor. Books. War diary (p. 90)
Chase, Richard V.. Books. As the measure (pp. 90-91)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. A history of economic thought (p. 91)
Lichtenstein, Stanley. Books. As we go marching (pp. 91-92)
Periodicals. "The evolutionist revolt against classical economics: (i) In France - Condorcet, Saint-Simon, Simonde de Sismondi, (2) In England - James Steuart, Richard Jones, Karl Marx" (p. 92)
Periodicals. "Man of His century: A reconsideration of the historical significance of Karl Marx" (p. 93)
Periodicals. "Is China's economy to be modeled on Japan's?" (p. 93)
Periodicals. "Britain's postwar trade and world economy"; "Planning industry's future in Britain (p. 93)
Periodicals. "From Moscow to Naples"; "'Liberated' Italy" (p. 93)
Periodicals. "Why war workers strike - the case history of a shipyard 'wildcat'" (pp. 93-94)
The intelligence office (pp. 94-96)
Contributors (p. 96)



Politics (May 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 97)
Comment. Three Worlds (pages 97-102)
List, Kurt. The music of Soviet Russia (pp. 103-108)
Kristol, Irving. Koestler: a note on confusion (pp. 108-109)
Macdonald, Dwight. "The only really moral people" (pp. 109-110)
Gould, Joe. What to do with Europe (p. 111)
Bell, Daniel. The world of Moloch (pp. 111-113)
Padmore, George. The new imperialism, III: The Anglo-American condominium (pp. 113-116)
List, Kurt. Shostakovitch's Eight Symphony (p. 116)
Kees, Weldon. Rates. Cartoon cavalcade (pp. 116-117)
Bazelon, David T.. Rates. Comics and their Creators (pages 117-118)
Macdonald, Dwight. Rates. "The conquest of Europe on the screen: the Nazi newsreel, 1939-1940" (p. 118)
Modern Texts. The Melian Conference (from Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" Chapter XVII) (pp. 119-121)
Kerr, Wilfred H.. Free and Equal. Negro leaders and the Harlem riot (pp. 121-122)
Wilkins, Roy. Free and Equal. Reply (pp. 122-123)
Wood, Laura. Books. The Complete Jefferson, containing His major writings, published and unpublished, except His letters (pp. 123-124)
Oakes, J. Walter. Books. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (pp. 124-125)
Hesseltine, William B.. Books. The American story of industrial and labor relations (p. 125)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. Ominpotent government: the rise of the total state and total war (pp. 125-126)
Mitchell, Broadus. The intelligence office. On "The coming tragedy of American labor" (p. 126)
Fischer, Ben. The intelligence office. On "The coming tragedy of American labor" (pp. 126-127)
Herman, Thelma. The intelligence office. Intellectuals and bureaucracy (p. 127)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) The intelligence office. Classical Vs. marxist economics (p. 128)
Notes on contributors (p. 128)



Politics (June 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 129)
Comment. The shape of things to come (pp. 129-133)
Fey, Isabella. Odin (p. 133)
Chiaromontes, Nicholas. Croce and italian Liberalism (pp. 134-137)
McNatt, G. Isaac. "I was a Seabee" (pp. 137-140)
(Bombardier.) The story of the 477th Bombardment Group (pages 141-142)
Meyer, Peter. Mr. Joseph Stalin's revolution in economic science (pp. 143-144)
Macdonald, Dwight. Our golden age (pp. 144-146)
Serge, Victor. revolution at The dead-end (1926-1928) (pp. 147-151)
Periodicals. "The 1942 congressional elections" (pages 151-152)
Periodicals. "Facts for a candid world" (p. 152)
Periodicals. "'Rationality' in conduct: Wallas and Pareto" (p. 152)
Periodicals. "Sex roles in postwar planning" (pp. 152-153)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. The tragedy of european labor 1918-1939 (pp. 153-154)
Freidel, Frank. Books. The revolutionary generation; Origins of the American Revolution (pp. 154-155)
Macdonald, Nancy. Books. War and children (p. 155)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. Excess profits taxation (pp. 155-156)
Mattick, Paul. Books. Karl Marx and Marxian science (p. 156)
Kristol, Irving. Books. Dangling Man (p. 156)
The intelligence office (pp. 158-160)
Contributors (p. 160)



Politics (July 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 161)
Comment. Allied policy in Europe (pp. 161-167)
De Angelis, J. Gabriel. Brewster The Shut-Down (pages 167-169)
Bloch, Werner; Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Under the Lid (pp. 169-170)
Tucci, Nicholas. tyrants of The War (pages 170-172)
Bazelon, David T.. ashes Green (pp. 172-177)
Calhoun, Don. The political relevance of conscientious objection; with a rejoinder by the Editor (pages 177-180)
Schuyler, George S.. Free and Equal. An American dilemma. The Negro problem and modern democracy (pp. 181-182)
Stampp, Kenneth M.. Rates. George Fitzhugh: propagandist of the old South; Henry W. Grady: spokesman of the new South (pages 182-183)
Wood, Laura. Rates. Caribbean laboratory; A note on the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act (p. 183)
Macdonald, Dwight. How "practical" is a racially segregated Army? (pp. 184-186)
Gould, Joe. Books. A guide for the bedevilled (p. 186)
Oakes, J. Walter. Books. Mobilization for abundance (p. 186)
Douglas, George. Books. The Republic (pp. 186-187)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. Production, jobs and taxes (p. 188)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. A short history of Russia (pages 188-189)
The intelligence office (pp. 189-192)
Orlansky, Harold. The intelligence office. "Hoodlums" and Pharisees (pp. 189-190)
Tillich, Paul. The intelligence office. Some answers from a committee (pages 190-191)
Contributors (p. 192)



Politics (August 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 193)
Comment. Some reflections on what is laughingly called "National Politics" (pp. 194-198)
News-Story-of-the-Year (p. 196)
Bettelheim, Bruno. Behavior in extreme situations (pp. 199-209)
Duncan, Robert. The homosexual in society (pp. 209-211)
(Blanqui). Mr. Moscowitz comes to St. Perkingrad (pp. 211-212)
Kerr, Wilfred H.. Negroism: strange fruit of segregation (pp. 212-217)
Zolotow, Maurice. Popular Culture. On highbrow writing (pp. 217-218)
Macdonald, Dwight. Popular Culture. On lowbrow thinking (pp. 219-220)
Lerner, Abba P.. Books. Labor and management in the Soviet Union (pp. 220-221)
The intelligence office (pp. 221-223)
Acland, Richard. The intelligence office. Commonwealth - London to Michigan writes (p. 222)
Serge, Victor. The intelligence office. "The end of Europe" (pp. 222-223)
Marquart, Frank. The intelligence office. Labor action at the shop level (pp. 223-224)
Contributors (p. 224)



Politics (September 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 225)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) The France of tomorrow: what the french underground wants (pp. 225-232)
(Pfc). Italians and Fascism: Testimony & Comment (pp. 232-233)
Chiaromontes, Nicholas. Italians and Fascism: Testimony & Comment (pp. 233-234)
Fischer, Ruth. The life and death of Max Hoelz (pp. 234-238)
Lieutenant JL. Soldiers' Poetry Department (p. 238)
Macdonald, Dwight. War as an institution (I). Notes on the psychology of killing (pp. 239-243)
Bazelon, David T.. Popular Culture. More by Corwin - 16 Radio Dramas (pages 243-244)
Sher, S.. Popular Culture. In defense of Shostakovich (pp. 244-245)
Elliott, P. George. "Where are you going?" said reader to writer (pp. 245-247)
Macdonald, Dwight. "Here lies our road!" said writer to reader (pp. 247-251)
Wood, Laura. Books. A history of deeds done beyond the sea (pp. 251-252)
Freidel, Frank. Books. The French Right and Nazi Germany 1933-39. A study of public opinion (p. 252)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. How Nazi Germany Has Controlled Business (p. 253)
Macdonald, Dwight. The intelligence office. Question period (pp. 253-254)
The intelligence office (pp. 254-256)
Contributors (p. 256)



Politics (October 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 257)
Warsaw (pp. 257-259)
Comment (pp. 260-265)
Woodcock, George. The tyranny of the clock (pages 265-267)
Brown, John J.. American technology: myth vs. reality (pp. 267-270)
Weber, Max Class, Status, Party (pp. 271-278)
Macdonald, Dwight. Thomas for President? (pp. 278-281)
Contributors (p. 281)
Lemann, Bernard. War as an institution (II). The esthetics of bombing (pp. 282-285)
Free and Equal. The strike Tucson (p. 285)
The intelligence office (pp. 286-288)
Calhoun, Don. The intelligence office. Conscientious objection again (p. 287)



Politics (November 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 289)
Macdonald, Dwight. "Dual Power" in France (pp. 290-294)
Comment (pp. 294-296)
Comment. Warsaw (2) (pp. 297-298)
Comment. The advantages of a political education (p. 298)
Comment. Why Herr Commandant is smiling (see cover) (p. 298)
Oakes, J. Walter. Reconversion - to what? (pp. 299-303)
Tucci, Nicholas. Commonnnonsense (pp. 304-305)
Glazer, Nathan; Hoffman, Frederick. Behind the Philadelphia strike (pp. 306-308)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). European newsreel (pp. 308-310)
Orwell, George. The ethics of the detective story - From Raffles to Miss Blandish (pp. 310-315)
Smith, Robert Paul. Uncle PM (p. 315)
(Eyewitness). The American Scene. CAP - A worm's eye view (p. 316)
Contributors (p. 316)
Kerr, Wilfred H.. The intelligence office. Randolph and "negroism" (p. 317)
Bek-Gran, Robert. The intelligence office. 5 keys to Europe (p. 317)
Goodman, Paul. The intelligence office. The unalienated intellectual (pp. 318-319)
Macdonald, Dwight. The intelligence office. "Thomas for President?" reply to M. Lewis (pp. 319-320)



Politics (December 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 321)
'Twas a famous victory (pp. 321-323)
Comment (pp. 323-327)
Comment. Warsaw (3) (pp. 327-328)
Queener, Llewellyn. War as an institution (III). Inter-enemy ethics (pp. 329-334)
Goodman, Paul. Popular Culture. Notes on Neo-Functionalism (pp. 335-337)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). European newsreel (pp. 337-340)
Contributors (p. 340)
Taylor, William Palmer. know what? Some reactions to current criticism of Russia (pages 340-342)
Macdonald, Dwight. Just this - a rejoinder (pp. 342-344)
Roberts, H.. Free and Equal. "Negroism" ounces blackberries (pp. 344-345)
Kerr, Wilfred H.. Free and Equal. "Negroism" ounces blackberries (pp. 345-346)
Periodicals. "Industrialization and agriculture in India" (p. 346)
Periodicals. "Retail sales and consumer income" (pp. 346-347)
Periodicals. "Wartime construction and planet expansion" (p. 347)
Periodicals. "Group violence: a preliminary study of the attitudinal pattern of Its acceptance and rejection - a study of the 1943 Harlem riot" (p. 347)
Periodicals. "Politics and Ethics" (pp. 347-348)
Periodicals. "The Man from Missouri" (p. 348)
Orlansky, Harold. Books. The journey home (pp. 348-350)
The intelligence office (pp. 350-351)
Farrell, James T.. The intelligence office. James T. Farrell and the SWP (pp. 351-352)

