Metronet climb down on activist victimisation

Metronet have backed down from attempts to fire RMT militant Andy Littlechild

Submitted by Fall Back on October 15, 2008

As previously reported here, Metronet have been victimising militant RMT rep Andy Littlechild. Andy had been suspended for 3 weeks for following Metronet agreed health and safety policy against the wishes of a manager. In reality, Andy was being punished for not knowing his place when told what to do by his senior, in upholding the official safety rules.

Leaks from management had made it clear that Andy, a respected long time union militant, was to be fired for this. However, response to this victimisation was far bigger than anyone had expected - with members across the whole of London being balloted for strike action, on the same day as the upcoming strike of London bus drivers, with an overwhelmingly positive response. Faced this this unexpected resistance, management had no choice but to back down - first reducing the planned firing to a 1 year written warning, and then in a snap appeal the next day "suspending" this warning.


Caiman del Barrio

16 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on October 16, 2008

Excellent news...proof that solidarity and direct action (or threats thereof) DO get the goods...