Belfast fascist Neil House exposed

Neil House the fascist
Neil House the fascist

An expose of a Belfast fascist attempting to form an all-Ireland 'white-power' gang.

Submitted by Anonymous on September 23, 2009

A BELFAST man, who previously ran for election as a “socialist” has become an unlikely new high profile member of the far right in Ireland.

Neil House (31), from south Belfast, was exposed for his part in hosting a meeting of members of the Stormfront “White Pride” website in Dublin earlier this summer.

Neil House (centre) unknowingly stares down the lens of antifascists while smoking outside a Dublin "white power" meeting.

A motley crew of skinheads, right wing republicans, and even a wealthy Lebanese anti-semite, packed into a small Dublin pub where House led them in planning to create “The Legion of Saint Ailbhe”.

The boneheads, who met on a weekday afternoon to avoid detection, were unaware that a large group of antifascists were monitoring their every move, secretly listening to, and photographing, the meeting.

Unfortunately for House the rest of his Aryan warriors bolted shortly after the meeting and their plans to attack synagogues were exposed by an undercover reporter they allowed into their ranks.

He is now attempting to rebuild his network, which has been heavily infiltrated from the start by journalists and anti-fascists, by uniting the disparate strands of fascists across the island.

Speaking about the disturbing attacks earlier this summer against Roma families in Belfast, House swore that he was not involved but was in contact with the people behind the violence.

“It is a few locals I know of and the good thing is that this is something they have done themselves, with no encouragement from me,” he bragged to fellow “white nationalists”.

“The potential is there, I just need to harness it...they are Protestant youths but that is neither here nor there at this particular moment in time.”

He was later spotted monitoring an anti-racist march at City Hall in Belfast, pictures of which ended up on the “Redwatch” website of his close contact Wigan Mike.

The Redwatch site hopes to name and shame anyone opposed to the rise of the far right and Wigan Mike has been making regular trips to Belfast, aiming to recruit to his hopelessly small new nazi group the “British Freedom Fighters”. [correction: Wigan Mike had merely claimed to our reporter that he was behind Redwatch - it's actually run by Kev Watmough of the BPP]

Bizarrely, in the mid-90s House ran for election to the Northern Ireland Forum as part of a Labour Coalition of socialist candidates and was the youngest candidate to ever run for election in Northern Ireland.

However following a disappointing 333 votes he rejected left wing politics and went on to serve in the Eastern Brigade of the Irish Army, where he claims to have reached the rank of sergeant before joining the British Army reserves. House currently also claims to be one of few Ulster members of the BNP.

Speaking to the BFF, who now claim to have an Ulster branch, about the attacks on immigrants at the start of the summer House swore that there would be more to come. “I can tell you there will be more over the next while, we just need to get them together and a bit organised,” he stated.

“I have a few friends in the South (of Ireland) that are keen to link up and fight the good fight.”
The few southern fascists who remain loyal to Houses plans include a fantasist skinhead chef from Castlebar called Kevin and a 16 year old girl from Wexford.

Reforming under the name Priority14 the group are currently under heavy surveillance and building links with the BPP, agreeing to put aside differences over the national question until a later date.

A Dublin based antifascist stated that they would be sharing information on House and his gang with antifascists across the island in the coming months and warned that any further attempts by the group to organise would be swiftly dealt with.

Tony W.
August 2009

From a series of articles on anti-fascism and anti-racism in issue 2 of Organise! paper, The Leveller



15 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by sum-one on September 24, 2009

Very good article, good intelligence. However, Wigan Mike isn't behind Redwatch, that's Kev Watmough of the BPP.