Konstantina Kuneva's case buried in political and legal manouvres

The Greek government's effort to hide the closing of Kuneva's case in plain sight.

Submitted by clandestinenglish on November 14, 2009

In the last week Konstantina Kuneva's case made it into the front pages. Kuneva herself spoke to tv channels and newspapers. The ministry of employment offered her an apartment. The minister of citizens protection (ex-public order) Chrysochoidis said he takes under his personal care the effort to find and arrest the perpetrator(s) of the crime against her. Together with the minister of economics, he signed an 1 milion euros reward for them (400.000 more than the one for the anarchists “robbers in black”). The effort of the minister of citizens protection is clearly to appear unbiased against any kind of crime, to reverse the mood against him, that with his provocative stance towards Exarcheia he provoked the attack against the police station of Aghia Paraskevi... and of course to “disarm” ideologically anarchists in view of December.

All these at a time when the case's legal future was decided by judges. The examiner of the case had suggested that it should be archived; the public attorney went against this; the pertinent to resolve the disagreement first degree council of judges decided not to close the case and go on with the examination process. . This was hailed by mainstream press as a progressive sign of the justice system willing to continue the search for truth and justice.

There is a catch to it, however. The case will not officially close, still, everything the attorney suggested that should be done was rejected, apart from the provision that Kuneva may be examined once more. In other words, the decision does not at all take into account the memorandum by Kuneva's lawyers on the blatant defficiencies and stubbornly wrong orientation of the police work on the case.

This means that the police will be judicially justified to continue turning away testimonies, as they did hours only after the event, when they turned away people from the nearby area willing to testify, on the pretext that since they did not see the crime itself happening their testimonies were useless!!! And of course, they are not going to look at the direction of Kuneva's employers, who were palpably directing the research and examination process from behind the scenes.

In other words, the case is in effect closed.

Info and analysis from this week's issue of KONTΡΑ newspaper. This adaptation to english was prepared by and appeared at clandestineglish.



15 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on November 16, 2009

The differences between the police's treatment of this case, of horrific violence against a person, as opposed to in the nuclei of fire case, about property damage is very telling, and blatantly unjust. But of course this person was a revolutionary worker, and the property damaged was property of the rich.