Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow

Protesters at Occupy Glasgow.
Protesters at Occupy Glasgow.

Below is an open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow. If your organisation would like to sign the letter, please email glasgowwomensactivistforum [AT]

Submitted by sawa on November 2, 2011

We, the undersigned, are writing to those involved in the Occupy Glasgow protest because our voices have hitherto been marginalised and our concerns systematically ignored in the days following the rape that occurred at the protest on Tuesday.

Our decision to write this letter is not based on political or ideological rejections of the Occupy movement, but is motivated by a very real concern for the physical and emotional well-being of all those involved in Occupy Glasgow, with specific concern for women and vulnerable people.

We believe that those involved in the protest failed to ensure the safety of its participants. The safety of the most vulnerable amongst us must be paramount in any organisation or movement, and a failure to construct and implement a system which ensures the safety of all its participants constitutes a failure of the movement as a whole.

In light of the gang rape that took place on Tuesday, we condemn the decision to continue with the occupation. Not only does the rape itself constitute reason enough to end the protest, but the reaction in the days which have followed has only convinced us further.

Allowing rape apology, victim blaming, and accusations of 'fabrication' or 'conspiracy to bring the occupation to and end' to be voiced in statements both on the official Occupy Glasgow facebook page and at General Assemblies without question demonstrates a complete failure of those involved to grasp the severity of the incident.

There has been insufficient effort to make necessary changes to the physical space or the safer spaces policy following the attack.

Women remain at high risk at Occupy Glasgow, and openly voiced this at the women's meeting on Friday 28th October. Prior to Tuesday, verbal and physical intimidation had been reported by occupiers to the group, yet these issues were not addressed.

Our decision to write an open letter followed attempts to reach out to Occupy Glasgow by attending General Assemblies. However, women who have attended meetings and facilitated workshops have experienced verbal and physical intimidation from occupiers, leaving us no option but to make this official appeal to the women of Occupy Glasgow to take our concerns seriously.

We consider this matter urgent, and cannot stress enough that this appeal is motivated purely by our desire to create safe spaces for women not just within activist movements, but everywhere in society.

Glasgow Women's Activist Forum



13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on November 1, 2011

Broke email address above so it doesn't get picked up by spammers. Also added a picture, hope you don't mind.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by sawa on November 1, 2011

Thank you Ed. =]


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on November 2, 2011

Nice letter sawa et al.

Could you keep us updated on the reaction to it?

Rosa Noir

13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Rosa Noir on November 2, 2011

I think this is a really well-worded and letter and i really hope at least some people involved in the occupation understand it and act on it.

I agree it would be really good to be updated on the reaction to it, if the sawa thinks this is appropriate.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by monstris on November 2, 2011

...i see this letter is getting picked up on the interweb.... good.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Fi on November 3, 2011

That photo has tears rolling down my cheeks. It's my wee pal with a big yellow woman on the warpath. XX Bon courage.


13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Fi on November 3, 2011

The first rule is to break the silence. Free speech. Let's have an evolution.