What lies ahead

Another small update to tell people I'm still alive and what I have been up to.

Submitted by Croy on September 25, 2012

Hey guys, I would like to apologize for my absence yet again. I don't really have the excuse of studying for my A Levels anymore, because they are done. I am no longer in education. That's it. Finito. I got exactly what I predicted in my previous blog as far as results go (BCD).

And so I have plunged into the void of un employment/precarious part time ad hoc work. Since finishing school I have been doing mainly absolutely nothing. I enjoyed a good couple of months sitting on my ass hibernating in my home enjoying the lay ins, but not so much the boredom. I really was just enjoying the time off and was not frantically applying for jobs, I genuinely didn't want one.

I did manage to get some door to door leafleting job which paid just well enough that I would put up with the hard work of dragging myself out of bed to walk around on the street delivering the good news that the laptop repair shop had moved branch and had some cracking deals on. With headphones on I found I could cope, it provided me with the opportunity to listen to a couple new albums every couple of days and to learn where shit was. Though I also quickly gained the knowledge of my favorite type of letter boxes and doors and felt vaguely guilty for adding to the pile of junk mail accumulating behind the front door of flats in run tower blocks I'm sure the most impoverished find quite insulting as I promoted over priced remedies to planned obsolescence.

Towards the latter half of my short career in the dullest corner of the marketing world I was contacted by noodlehead about forming Croydon SolFed. We have had two meetings and we are all getting to know each other. We as of yet have not done anything as a group but are working towards it. We are now officially official, having been recognized at the national delegate council, with a facebook page and logo who I have Toms to thank for, but I also want to thank everyone else for helping out and making suggestions on the thread I started asking for some help initially. On Thursday we have a public meeting for discussion of the text "Strategy and Struggle", a what turned out to be controversial pamphlet made by Brighton SolFed. I will put all the links down below.

Now to the most recent development. Earlier this month when I was going to the laptop repair shop to get paid for my leafletting, I casually got offered a proper job by my boss, though this is not as miraculous as it sounds as I have done it before on from time to time but never permanently. So I had 2 weeks and a bit doing various hours for £6 an hour. That was a lot of money for me. But having not received the text from my boss yesterday telling me what my hours were, I went down and discovered that now we have managed to get some from the workshop we used working on site finally, it turns out I won't be needed full time after all, and until further notice, I can only have saturdays. My boss, though a nice guy some times, is typically like this so I'm not surprised though I'm still a little bit pissed off because of all the talks he gave me telling me he was going to re train me from scratch but was really impressed with my professionalism and was getting compliments about me from customers. C'est la vie.

So that's been me.
Here's some links
[email protected]



12 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on September 26, 2012

Hey, good to hear from you again!

Through my work I occasionally hear about apprenticeships for people your age, like one for mechanics at the moment. If you're interested message me your e-mail address. Could be a way to avoid unskilled service sector work…