Monson scores win over Emelianenko

Anarchist MMA fighter scores his biggest win in recent years over Alexander Emelianenko tonight.

Submitted by Choccy on November 16, 2012

For any MMA fans interested, Jeff Monson defeated Alexander Emelianenko tonight in St.Petersburg, Russia. Alexander is the brother of Fedor, who defeated Monson this time last year.

The fight video is available at this page.

This is Monson's 47th win in his pro career and his biggest in the last few years.



12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by bastarx on November 16, 2012

Monson must really need the cash if he was willing to fight a guy widely believed to have hepatitis.


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on November 16, 2012

Haha I hadnt heard that rumour!


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by bastarx on November 16, 2012

From Aleks wikipedia entry:

Emelianenko was signed to make his United States debut at Affliction: Banned on July 19, 2008. But at the weigh-ins for the event, it was announced that Emelianenko was unable to meet the licensing standards of the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC). Emelianenko was replaced by Gary Goodridge.

Emelianenko denied the rumors about a positive test for Hepatitis B, commenting that he was unable to compete because he was late for his medicals, arriving two days after the scheduled date for his medicals with the CSAC due to visa issues. Due to the health and privacy rules in California, the CSAC was not allowed to comment why Emelianenko was denied a license, but a member of the CSAC commented on a radio show that Emelianenko was not and would not be cleared in California, and that this would stand for all of the United States of America.


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by NannerNannerNa… on November 17, 2012

Huh, can't believe no one mentioned that the Emelianenko brothers have been acused of being far-right fascists a ton of times. In fact, I heard there was more evidence for Alexander being a neo-nazi than Fedor.

Technically speaking, can we chalk this one up as yet another victory for the Antifash?


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on November 17, 2012

Yeah I'd heard the Alexander fash links before but don't know what the substance was.