The revolution of everyday life - Raoul Vaneigem

revolution of everyday life cover

Raoul Vaneigem was one of the most important thinkers within the Situationist International as well as frequent editor of their journal Internationale Situationniste. The Revolution of Everyday Life, written in Vaneigem's typically poetic style, is one of the most important of the Situationist texts, attacking the alienation of capitalist life not only at work but also in our 'free' time

Submitted by libcom on April 16, 2005



11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Soapy on June 4, 2013



1 week 3 days ago

Submitted by Fozzie on July 16, 2024

A few format fixes to this today. Chapters which were split into parts have been merged. Subheads have been beefed up. The PDF is now one page per page rather than two pages per page.

The text version is an earlier translation than the PDF I think. It also is lacking italicisation of words and some of the French accented characters are not formatted correctly.