"Ideas Magazine" run by Panait Musoiu, was one of the longest running anarchist publications in Romania.

The Romanian state, with the contribution of all regimes buried the history of a flourishing, expanded and mature anarchist movement here in Romania. Panait Musoiu’s work and editing of this publication are part of this forgotten history.
"Ideas Magazine" run by Panait Musoiu, was one of the longest running anarchist publications in Romania. The magazine included 10 issues published over a year and has been published between 1900 and 1916. The first Romanian anarchist publications appear in 1880 ("The Lamp"). There have been dozens of such publications between these years. The Romanian state had paid a special attention to these publications, that were agitating among the working class for which some have been banned. Also, the” liberal” approach of the dominant themes in an era of conservative speech, bashful and rigid patriarchy and the traditional family, must have been seen in the eyes of state spies as a defiance of bourgeois order.
The journal published articles on various topics such as: atheism, anarchism, revolutionary syndicalism, social ethics, sexuality, women's empowerment, astronomy, the origin of the universe and life, science, etc.
For some PDF format editions of the magazine in Romanian language :
Also for additional information :
New Study about Anarchism and
New Study about Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism in Romania (including Revista Ideei paper)
New: Panait Musoiu and the Anarchism in Romania
For Content and Register see here
Institut für Syndikalismusforschung
Anarchism in Romania reached its golden age before the First World War. The distribution of anarchist ideas is closely connected with Panait Mușoiu, the most outstanding libertarian publisher of the country. In his „Library of the Revista Ideei“ there were published anarchist classics, revolutionary literature and educational pamphlets in thematic diversity. In Romania, „the country, in which thinking is a crime, where there is no greater and more dangerous criminal than the man who thinks” (Mușoiu), the libertarian ideas and their protagonists faced an aggressive alliance of Capital, Church and State. Syndicalism and anarchism gained the most popularity in the multi-ethnic workers-movement. Prominent personalities of the workers-movement, like Stefan Gheorghiu, distributed the writings of the press from Mușoiu and popularized the syndicalist “direct action” method of fighting. He and the proactive Iuliu Neagu-Negulescu agitated for class-struggling unions independent from political parties.
The present study with selected translations is more than a biography. It quarries numerous well-grounded pieces of information about the workers-movement of Romania and mediates general knowledge of the regional history. It puts the focus on the anarchist and syndicalist currents.
Martin Veith: Unbeugsam – Ein Pionier des rumänischen Anarchismus – Panait Mușoiu
(The Book is in German language)
344 Seiten, Verlag Edition AV, Juni 2013, ISBN: 978-3-86841-076-1, 19.90 Euro
A short overview of the development of Romania
Excursion: State-capitalism not socialism
The mediated picture of Panait Mușoiu in state-capitalism (Realsozialismus)
Chapter 1:
Panait Mușoiu – the son of a day-laborer family becomes a revolutionary
Anarchist traces in Brăila
Chapter 2:
Anarchism and Syndicalism
The Phalanstère in Scăieni (Prahova)
How did anarchism and syndicalism get widespread in Romania?
Anarchist publications
Syndicalist publications
Chapter 3:
In Botoșani
Election campaign for the Workers-Party (“Partidul Muncitorilor“)
The paper “Proletarul” (“The proletarian”) and tribute for Eminescu
The 1. May 1892
Excursion: Haymarket
Chapter 4:
In Bucharest: From the “Muncă” to the “Expulsion of the workers-movement”
Repression and Torture
Translations of Engels and Marx
For direct action and anti-parliamentarianism
The “Expulsion”
Chapter 5:
A view on Romania and the workers-movement till the eve of the First World War
The “first Generation”
The “second Generation”
What´s workers-movement supposed to mean?
The movement grows despite repression
Chapter 6:
The social-democrats and Marxists´ fight against anarchism and syndicalism
Statements against Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism
Union and party inner-organizational fight against anarchism and (anarcho-)syndicalism
Chapter 7:
Panait Zosin
Panait Zosin: Response to Nădejde
Panait Zosin: An old hand
Brussels, Heidelberg, Paris. Studies and work as doctor
The Romanian national poet to diagnosis
Exponent of Positivism and Enlightenment
Chapter 8:
From place to place
In Italy
In Belgium
“The future Romania”
Friendship with V. Tcherkesov
Chapter 9:
Mișcarea Socială
For a free, socialist society
About the situation in Romania
Liberation and self-determination of women
Other areas of struggle
Elena Sevastos
Amilcar Cipriani
The „tyrant-murder“
Impacts in Romania
Chapter 10:
The state against anarchism
Examples of media campaigning against anarchists and (revolutionary) Jews
The assassination attempt on I.C. Brătianu 1909
The Expulsion of the anarchist Dascălu Sava (Solomon Abram)
Chapter 11:
For the emancipation of women
Women in the (publicist) focus
Chapter 12:
Revista Ideei
16 years of Enlightenment and Anarchism
In battle against religious darkness
Exploitation and class-struggle…
… in the petroleum district
Expulsions of revolutionary workers
Romanian anarchist emigrants in the USA
„La Coș” and the Free School in Edwardsville
Joseph Ishill
Ernestine Hara Kettler
The peasant uprising of 1907
The relation to „România Muncitoare“ and the social-democracy
Social-democrats against „Revista Ideei“
State surveillance and repression
Excursion: The divisions of the „Siguranța“
Examples of the surveillance of Panait Mușoiu and the „Revista Ideei“
Constant contributors
Iuliu Neagu-Negulescu
Against the war
Excursion: The First World War and Greater Romania
A view on readers and the diffusion of “Revista Ideei”
Excursion: the official assessment of “Revista Ideei” in state-capitalism (“Realsozialismus”)
The end of “Revista Ideei”
Chapter 13:
Anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist press
„Paine şi Libertate“
„Vremuri Noi“
„Mişcarea Socială“
Syndicalist-Groups in Brăila and Galați
„Vremuri Noi“ – the Second
Chapter 14:
Sorina, Azur and Cornelia
Cornelia Stefanescu
Chapter 15:
From Greater Romania to the Second World-War
Co-founders of the Romanian communist party: syndicalists and anarchists
Tireless libertarian propaganda
Literature of revolt and equality
Favours for the communists
Excursion: The anarcho-syndicalist organization of Bukovina
A retrospect of a strenuous life
Chapter 16:
Struggle on many fronts
A realist
Chronological table
Documents and appendix
Sources and literature
Index of names, places, magazines and organisations