Historian Liam Cahill's look at the 1919 Limerick soviet and the conditions in which it was created. Copied to clipboard Attachments Forgotten revolution Limerick soviet.pdf (689.98 KB) The empires crumble Connolly's legacy A defiant city Robert Byrne, republican trade unionist Funeral and inquest Soldiers and strikers Food, money and newspapers The world watches Bosses and clergy Confrontation The workers defeated Green, red and orange Book traversal links for Forgotten revolution: Limerick soviet, 1919 - Liam Cahill The empires crumble Printer-friendly version strikes general strikes Ireland Limerick Limerick soviet Liam Cahill PDF Comments Hey, cheers for posting this Hey, cheers for posting this looks really interesting
The story of the Limerick soviet, 1919 - D.R. O'Connor Lysaght The story of the Limerick soviet and general strike, April 1919 by D.R. O'Connor Lysaght, written in…
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Hey, cheers for posting this
Hey, cheers for posting this looks really interesting