Starvation for coming in late - JCP ESOL teaching and benefit sanctions.

Through the growth of JobCentre mandated classes, ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) teachers are becoming complicit in the sanctioning of student's benefits - leaving them destitute. This article argues that we should refuse to give the JobCentre any information which could lead to a sanction.

Submitted by therealitygrill on May 27, 2014

In a country that long ago abolished all corporal punishment in schools, it will surprise many people to learn that destitution and starvation are increasingly common consequences for poor performance in ESOL classes. A well-oiled machine has been quietly set up where a stroke of a teacher’s pen may condemn the unfortunate student to weeks of penury. This is the fate of students on compulsory JobCentre ESOL courses up and down the country. At the end of every (two and a half hour long(!)) class students must present their attendance sheet to the teacher for signing. Any negative comment or record of lateness will be shown to their JobCentre ‘advisor’ at their next appointment and may well lead to their benefits being ‘sanctioned’ for a minimum of four weeks. This means that they and any family, including children, who depend on them will spend at least a month with absolutely no money for food, clothes or utilities. My fellow ESOL tutors I ask you – do you really think that this is an appropriate punishment for coming in late?

Of course we all have to manage our classrooms and I agree that some student breezing in stinking of fag smoke with a half-hearted or non-existent apology just after you’ve finished the first activity is unbelievably irritating. Of course in the normal course of events in running an ESOL course you would mark such a student as late or even initiate disciplinary proceedings against them. But these are not normal courses and these are not normal students. For one thing, normal ESOL students are there because they chose to be rather than because if they don’t attend, they don’t eat. If I was under such sufferance I might take a little longer over my cigarette too but that’s by-the-by. These students and their dependants – family, children, elderly relatives – are under constant threat of destitution. No one should be left with no money to eat or heat their house in winter under any circumstances in a society as rich as ours. We teachers have the power to influence whether or not that happens to our students. The choices we make every day will determine whether they starve or not. I argue that we have a strong moral duty to use that influence to make sure it never happens to our students.

I am not some high-minded but useless academic preaching from the sidelines. I am writing this in the brief moments I can snatch between lesson planning and teaching. I understand that we are under enormous pressure and meticulous scrutiny; that many of us work for agencies with little or no job security; that we deal with students who are often very vulnerable and that poor behaviour and/or lateness is intensely frustrating and disruptive to the learning process. What I am saying is that we cannot allow that pressure to cloud our morality, to rob of us of our principles and common sense. We have a choice. We can carry on as normal or refuse to be complicit in a system of suffering and starvation.

Just as none of us would send a student who we know is a child of abusive parents home with a note about their behaviour for fear of what might happen to them, so we should never send a student to the JobCentre with anything but a glowing report. We know that the people in authority over them who are supposed to care do not, in fact, have their best interests at heart. Instead they just want to dominate and hurt them and any information we give them will be fuel for that fire (1). Don’t do it. Don’t be an accomplice to a thing you know is wrong. Don’t ever give the JobCentre any excuse to hurt the people under your care.

(1) To be absolutely clear: I am NOT saying that child abuse and being left destitute by a benefit sanction are the same. I am saying that in both situations a teacher would and should think twice about reporting unsatisfactory behaviour to the abusive authorities in question.



10 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jolasmo on May 29, 2014

Nice article. In you experience, how much leeway do teachers on these sorts of courses have when it comes to reporting students? Is it fairly easy to turn a blind eye? What are the chances of being caught/disciplined for giving students a free pass on attendence etc.?


Caiman del Barrio

10 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on May 29, 2014

Excellent piece.

My limited experience of teaching on JCP/DWP courses is that attendance is monitored very strictly by line managers, who tend to hover around asking for the register. It's been a couple of years since I did it since I felt totally cut adrift by my employer (a subcontractor), who basically enjoyed the public money from the contract while making almost zero attempt to develop anything of any sort of value for the students. At times this was almost explicit, since if you asked any questions about course content, you'd either be told to get on with it or quietly informed that it basically didn't matter, as long as they were there.


10 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by therealitygrill on May 29, 2014

You are often under very close surveillance by college bosses but there's still a number of things you can do to make your students' lives easier. As long as you can avoid the student being reported to the job centre by your bosses then the biggest threat to them is the attendance sheet that you sign for them and what goes on this has been mostly under my control in my experience. I've listed some ideas below:

1. Simplest and easiest - just don't write anything negative on there. Don't record lateness and don't write negative comments in the comments section.
2. Be willing to sign to let students go home when they need to. Many of my students or their families have serious health issues (and probably ought to be on ESA but that's another story). I have in the past just bypassed the college system entirely and given a signed sheet to a student to give them some time off.
3. Help students navigate the job centre minefield. I have first hand experience of what bureaucratic bastards the job centre can be and what they expect of you and I've used this to help my student deal with it. If you don't have this experience the ask a claimant. If you don't know any then ask on here and I'm sure someone will help you out. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to keep your students safe.
4. Be a blockage in the bureaucracy. This won't be possible if you're under close scrutiny but in the past I've been able to get away with sitting on the paperwork for a student for weeks. Be as inefficient as you can when it comes to stuff that could harm a student.
5. This won't be for everyone but if possible make your signature easy to forge. I know it sounds dishonest but if we are serious in our belief that the sufferance our students are under is wrong then we should be prepared to support their every effort to resist it.

And that's all I got at the moment. Apologies for any typos the autocorrect on this thing is terrible.