A manual worker's account of day labour from The Best of Temp Slave!. Copied to clipboard Attachments building a fuckin' parking garage.pdf (2.19 MB) United States casualisation accounts The Best of Temp Slave PDF Comments Is anyone reading the temp Is anyone reading the temp stories I'm uploading? Yes! I am. Yes! I am. Yes. If you're putting a lot Yes. If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name
Yes. If you're putting a lot Yes. If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name
I work for Boreco INC. An account of being a temp in a North American factory from the excellent Best of Temp Slave!
Get fucked, Bigdaddy! A gay temp worker's account of workplace sabotage in a fundamentalist Christian company.
A memoir: some anarchist activities in New York in the thirties and forties - Clara Freedman Solomon A lookback at the efforts of anarchists in New York City during The Great…
The informal work group - Stan Weir Stan Weir on some of his life experiences at work and what he saw as the "the only organizational form opposed to formal bureaucracies which…
‘Bout to explode: a day in the life of a precarious worker As part of Shift Magazine's series on precarity, Juan Conatz describes a day in the work life of a…
Is anyone reading the temp
Is anyone reading the temp stories I'm uploading?
Yes! I am.
Yes! I am.
Yes. If you're putting a lot
If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name