A manual worker's account of day labour from The Best of Temp Slave!. Copied to clipboard Attachments building a fuckin' parking garage.pdf (2.19 MB) United States casualisation accounts The Best of Temp Slave PDF Comments Is anyone reading the temp Is anyone reading the temp stories I'm uploading? Yes! I am. Yes! I am. Yes. If you're putting a lot Yes. If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name
Yes. If you're putting a lot Yes. If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name
I work for Boreco INC. An account of being a temp in a North American factory from the excellent Best of Temp Slave!
Get fucked, Bigdaddy! A gay temp worker's account of workplace sabotage in a fundamentalist Christian company.
A memoir: some anarchist activities in New York in the thirties and forties - Clara Freedman Solomon A lookback at the efforts of anarchists in New York City during The Great…
The informal work group - Stan Weir Stan Weir on some of his life experiences at work and what he saw as the "the only organizational form opposed to formal bureaucracies which…
A short account of sabotage at a US army oil depot A short, personal account of worker and army veteran sabotage of oil supplies to the military towards the end of the Vietnam war.
Is anyone reading the temp
Is anyone reading the temp stories I'm uploading?
Yes! I am.
Yes! I am.
Yes. If you're putting a lot
If you're putting a lot from one book you could put it in as a book or you could just make a tag for the book's name