A complete online archive of Libertarian Communism, a socialist journal published in ten issues between 1972 and 1976 by some members of the Socialist Party of Great Britain. It was named 'Libertarian Communism' in 1974 following their expulsion from the party. Higher resolution scans also available.

Libertarian Communism logo from issue 5
“Critical theory and revolutionary practice” no. 1, October 1972
Unnamed journal, (undated and unnumbered but annotated no. 2, April 1973)
Unnamed journal, (undated and unnumbered but annotated no. 3, September 1973)
“Revolutionary Communism”, no.4 (no date but late 1973)
“Libertarian Communism”, no.5, April 1974
“Libertarian Communism”, no.6, June 1974
“Libertarian Communism”, no. 7, January 1975
“Libertarian Communism”, no.8 (undated but June 1975)
“Libertarian Communism”, no.9 December 1975
“Libertarian Communism”, no.10, July 1976
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I must thank jondwhite for
I must thank jondwhite for publishing these very early duplicated discussion journals at least for the purposes of historical record. The listing would benefit from including No2 with it's extended discussion of women's liberation. No's 9 and 10 are less interesting and worthwhile in so far as they were dominated by discussion of draft material for the subsequent Social Revolution group statement (see here with my additional comments attached https://libcom.org/library/introduction-social-revolution). Some of the early contributors either stayed in or rejoined the spgb later and might not be so happy with their contributions being republished now and of course others including myself have developed our ideas and activities in other very different directions since then. In particular however I do value the reappearance of various short contributions by my old departed comrade John Crump (in issue No's 5 and 8) which others might also find of some interest.
Thanks. Specific redactions
Thanks. Specific redactions or removals can be considered on request. I don't have issues 2, 9 or 10 but if anyone can help with these I can scan and upload.
awesome thanks for publishing
awesome thanks for publishing on here! :)
Have at least two of these on
Have at least two of these on file in a box. Cool. Time to looks again.
Ah, Phil McShane, I note,
Ah, Phil McShane, I note, wrote an article in Libertarian Communism. What happened to him?
Issue 10 is available at
Issue 10 is available at Sparrows Nest: http://www.thesparrowsnest.org.uk/collections/public_archive/8698.pdf
Hi all, I recently made good
Hi all,
I recently made good quality scans of all ten issues of Libertarian Communism plus assorted Social Revolution leaflets and pamphlets (from the Bob Miller collection held at Sparrows Nest)
Will try to make them available soon but not sure how to upload to LibCom.
Some other material connected
Some other material connected to this (which includes LC No2) plus more from across the past historically inter-related Left and Libertarian Communist groups in the UK here:
All the material is here-
All the material is here- includes leaflets and pamphlets. Someone feel free to take and upload to Libcom. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gvobq6csdg82u49/AAAfnqBf-HKjcry-ZrsasquIa?dl=0
Added the two missing issues
Added the two missing issues from Splits & Fusions.