An article by Tom Brown on the 1926 general strike, which originally appeared in War Commentary Nov-Dec 1942. Republished as a pamphlet by Freedom Press in 1943. Copied to clipboard Attachments freedom_press_1943_general_strike_compressed.pdf (2.05 MB) Tom Brown 1920s United Kingdom 1926 general strike Freedom Press PDF Comments Excellent. I have a very poor Excellent. I have a very poor condition copy of the Syndicalist Workers Federation, 1961, reprint of this pamphlet.
Excellent. I have a very poor Excellent. I have a very poor condition copy of the Syndicalist Workers Federation, 1961, reprint of this pamphlet.
1926: The social general strike - why 1926 failed - Tom Brown Written in the early 1940s, British syndicalist Tom Brown's article The Social General Strike - Why…
Trade unionism or syndicalism? – Tom Brown A 1942 pamphlet by Tom Brown on trade unions, why they let us down, and why syndicalism is the best method for building a society of workers'…
The Raven #04 1988 An issue of The Raven journal from March 1988 covering various issues. Articles of extremely variable quality. Contents below.
The Raven #05 1988 An issue of The Raven journal from June 1988 covering various topics. Contents of extremely variable quality. Includes an excellent article about…
The British Worker - general strike newspaper, 1926 Online archive of The British Worker, the daily newspaper published by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) during the 10 day general strike of 1926.
Excellent. I have a very poor
Excellent. I have a very poor condition copy of the Syndicalist Workers Federation, 1961, reprint of this pamphlet.