Our friends in Gaza in the Yalla web development cooperative, who built our fantastic new theme, are in desperate circumstances. They have all been displaced from their homes, have lost their essential equipment like solar panels, computer panels and generators, and many have had their homes destroyed. Please support this crowdfunder to assist them.
The new design of our site was done by the Yalla Cooperative, a web development workers' co-op based in Gaza and the UK.
Our friends and colleagues in Gaza now need help affording essentials during the current crisis, and they will need support rebuilding their homes and lives once the current Israeli bombardment is over.
So if you can, please support this crowdfunder on GoFundMe:
If you can't afford to give right now, instead please share this appeal on your Twitter, Instagram, and other social platforms.
Please find here social sharing graphics you can use:
If you can afford to please…
If you can afford to please donate to this impact-driven business that has done sterling work with the Ministry of Justice (UK) alongside others! Let's bring those smiles back.
westartfromhere wrote: If…
Personally I think this is disgusting. You are slagging off workers who have had their homes destroyed, have been displaced by bombings, have had family members killed, and are facing death themselves every day. Because one of the many jobs some of them did was build an app to help people who had been in prison improve their literacy skills. Completely pathetic.
westartfromhere wrote: The…
All differences aside, the…
The work done by this Cooperative on this website is excellent.
The region of Gaza is…
The region of Gaza is effectively the largest prison camp on Earth, policed by the Israel Defence Force and its military allies and guarded within by militia affiliated with the state of Palestine.