Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt argue that globalisation is transforming individual nation states into a system of diffuse national and global institutions of power - in other words a new type of Empire - which raises the possibility for a "multitude" of people to fight it.

Download Empire in PDF format here (1.34mb)
Libcom also hosts the following critical reviews of Empire:
- Aufheben - Keep on smiling - questions on immaterial labour
- Andrew Flood - Empire review
(1.34 MB)
Empire by Michael Hardt &
Empire by Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri or the modern hiccups of old revisionism, an amusing critique of Negri's book, Empire, can be found here:
Cant find the ICG text on
Cant find the ICG text on libcom just now but the ideas expressed in this book are critically reviewed by Aufeben in the library here and in the article 'Working Class or Multitude' by IP in their issue 46 here:
Thanks Mike, I've added a
Thanks Mike, I've added a link to the Aufheben review and another one now.
I couldn't get your link to work for some reason but possibly this one will work. The review starts on page 34.
That GCI-ICG text:
That GCI-ICG text: .
(In case the Fozzie-supplied url does not work for the Internationalist Perspective article, first access and then click for issue 46.)
Spikymike wrote: Cant find…
Empire by Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, disassembled, by ICG.
westartfromhere wrote:…
duplicate post
westartfromhere wrote:…
triplicate post