Negri explores Marx's Grundrisse in an attempt to go beyond Orthodox Marxist theory. Author Antonio Negri Copied to clipboard Translated by Harry Cleaver, Michael Ryan and Maurizio Viano. Edited by Jim Fleming, 1991. Attachments Negri - Marx Beyond Marx - Lessons on the Grundrisse.pdf (16.21 MB) Introduction to Antonio Negri's Marx beyond Marx Book traversal links for Marx beyond Marx: lessons on the Grundrisse - Antonio Negri Introduction to Antonio Negri's Marx beyond Marx Printer-friendly version Karl Marx Marxism autonomist Marxism PDF Comments
Revolution retrieved: writings on Marx, Keynes, capitalist crisis and new social subjects - Antonio Negri A selection of Negri's articles written between 1967 and 1983. First published in…
Commonwealth: An Exchange David Harvey in an exchange with Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri on their new book Commonwealth featured in the November 2009 issue of artforum.
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Marx, theoretician of anarchism - Maximilien Rubel Maximilien Rubel's 1973 article highlighting the libertarian elements within Marx's work and its importance to anarchism, regardless of Marx's…
Lessons of the counterrevolutions - Amadeo Bordiga A 1953 text in which Amadeo Bordiga examines the lessons of counterrevolutions from the defeat of Spartacus to the Battle of Legnano in 1176 and…