I wanna tell you about a theorist of proletarian revolution
Who intransigently opposed substitutionism
He was expelled from the Communist International in 1927
Coz he wasn’t afraid to criticise Lenin
And his name is A-M-A-D-E-E-E
I assumed Stewart Home's latest smash hit "Bordiga" might be the only song about everyone's favourite Italian left communist - but I was wrong!
A more cynical take can be found on YouTube by "/leftypol/ choir" - Bordiga (leftcom anthem):
Read Bordiga, Bordiga, Read Bordiga….
Leftcoms, all unite
Let the people fight,
Be a lazy shit, do sweet fuck allActivism is pointless,
Your efforts are all fruitless,
I'll just wait for capitalism to fall,
till then I shall read
There is also a song called Amadeo Bordiga by Nick Bird on Spotify but this is sadly flagged on the app as unavailable.
Maybe there are other songs I have missed?
Bordiga's better in writing:…
Bordiga's better in writing:
I'm curious if the Italian versions are just as vulgar (not that it bothers me) or if the translators took some liberties.
More importantly on the topic of music, did you know that the Beach Boys were doing shoegaze in 1969?!
"All I Wanna Do"
That Beach Boys track is a…
That Beach Boys track is a great find!
Some excellent Bordiga quotes too. Maybe pop music lyrics isn't the best way to convey his positions...
I am reminded of Monsieur Dupont's encouragements to turn their Nihilist Communism into a west end musical...
Much better than Brian…
Much better than Brian Wilson's short-lived surf-rap career in the '90s (this is an actual song by Brian—the guy who did Pet Sounds!), which I blame on his manipulative therapist Eugene Landy. A real low point...
We also won't discuss …
We also won't discuss "Student Demonstration Time," which was mostly Mike Love's doing and his answer to the Beatles' bourgeois "Revolution" (i.e. before John Lennon came to his senses, at least temporarily, and started releasing actually good working-class anthems, "Power to the People,"[1] "Working Class Hero," etc.). Love and Bruce Johnston are the more right-wing members of the group, having even endorsed Trump in recent times, whereas Brian, Carl, Dennis, and Al are/were more apolitical or left-leaning. As far as I've read, the rest of the group were actually quite embarrassed by the song. Brian also doesn't even particularly like Love for that matter (e.g. Love sued him in the '90s over song credits) and has repeatedly stated how he can't stand the guy. In any case, the Beach Boys would be nothing without Brian, and the current Love-Johnston group touring around is an imposter.
1. "You say you want a revolution, well we better get it on right away."
I'm also aware that the…
I'm also aware that the Beach Boys, including Brian, performed for Reagan in '83. I am thoroughly disgusted by this and will concede that the Beach Boys have always been politically shite.
Come for the Bordiga, stay…
Come for the Bordiga, stay for the Beach Boys... :-)
Bordiga, Beach Boys—same…
Bordiga, Beach Boys—same thing! In fact Bordiga sort of looks like Brian's authoritarian father Murry Wilson (whom you can hear Brian telling to piss off in this ultra rare recording during the "Help Me Rhonda" sessions in '65, around the 35:00-39:00 mark):
The Beach Boys original…
The Beach Boys original version of "Kokomo" was very different:
Bakunin, Bordiga ooo I wanna read ya
Vaneigem, Polanyi, He wasn't a commie
E.P. Thompson, and Hegel, Good ol' Marx and Engels
I'm Reading
At the library
and free texts on the internet
That's where we'll find our books and get into it all
Looking through the stacks
Some Gurley Flynn or the Frankfurt School?
There's a bio here of Karl Marx written by Otto Ruhle
Left-Commie Anarcho
Goldman, Kropotkin, Baby now we're rockin'
Leys and Pannekoek, Mama don't you know it!
Mike Davis, We'll try ya, and Dunayevskaya
Ooo you can't decide between some Meiksins Wood
or Luxemburg because they're both so good
So much we wanna know
Left-Commie Anarcho
What's that you say? You found some Gilles Dauve
Grab that Grace Lee Boggs
Some Ngo Van and some Frantz Fanon
We'll read this CLR James you almost can't go wrong
Take a walk outside
Talk about all the books we read
We see a flag and recall what Mary Marcy said
Left Commie Anarcho
Guerin and Bookchin, Baby I'm still lookin'
Rosemont and Perlman, now your thoughts are swirlin'
Brinton and Mattick, got you so emphatic
Left-Commie Anarcho
That’s true, Motopu. Many…
That’s true, Motopu. Many people don’t know this, but “Surfin’ U.S.A” was originally about Bordiga as well. There was actually a brief Bordiga craze in California in the early 1960s, during which time people would dye their hair red (excluding redheads, who are natural communists) before getting together to read Bordiga. However, due to the Cold War the Beach Boys were forced to censor themselves and alter the lyrics to be about something more innocuous like surfing. If you find it peculiar that none of the Beach Boys, with the exception of Dennis, actually knew how to surf, now you know why! While they might not have surfed, they were all quite familiar with the "Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism" and the "Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil." Here are the original lyrics to “Bordiga U.S.A”:
If everybody was a Bordigist
Across the U.S.A
Then everybody'd be readin'
Like Californ-i-a
You'd see them holdin’ their jourrrRnals
Pen and paper too
A commie commie red hairdo
Bordiga U.S.A
You'd catch 'em readin' at Del Mar
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
Ventura County line
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
Santa Cruz and Trestles
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
Australia's Narrabeen
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
All over Manhattan
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
And down Doheny Way
(Inside, outside)
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
We'll all be planning that reading list
We're gonna read real soon
We're brushin' up on our Italian
We can't wait for June
We'll all be gone for the summer
We're on Bordiga-fari to stay
Tell that teacher we're readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
[note that the following were all popular places where rebellious youths would go to read Bordiga with their red hair]
Haggerties and Swamis
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
Pacific Palisades
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
San Onofre and Sunset
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
Redondo Beach LA
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
All over La Jolla
(Inside, outside, U.S.A.)
At Wa'imea Bay
(Inside, outside)
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
Everybody's gone readin'
Bordiga U.S.A
Apparently someone just…
Apparently someone just found a rare photo of Young Bordiga:

That was before he became…
That was shortly before he became assimilated by the Borg
"We are Borg-diga. You will be assimilated. The original content of the communist program is the obliteration of the individual as an economic subject, rights-holder, and agent of human history. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."
Fozzie wrote: That Beach…
Or perhaps the soundtrack to some lost Tarkovsky film
adri wrote: That was shortly…
Embrace the Social Brain!
I created this...
adri wrote: https://suno.com…
What a time to be alive.
This AI stuff is amazing; an…
This AI stuff is amazing; an endless supply of AI-generated songs about Bordiga!
I also tried doing a cover of "Crimson and Clover" with it just being about reading Bordiga...
"Reading through the pages in the moonlight
With every word I start to ignite
Bordiga’s wisdom dancing in my head
His visions paint the sky in shades of red
Bordiga and Clover over and over
Revolution whispers growing bolder
Bordiga and Clover always discover
Truths in the pages we uncover"