Hatta Shūzō and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan - John Crump

A pioneering study of Japanese 'pure anarchism' between the wars focused on its principal theoretician, Hatta Shuzo.

Submitted by Craftwork on November 23, 2016


- Acknowledgments (p.ix)
- Introduction: the Importance of Pure Anarchism (p.xi)
- Map of Principal Japanese Islands (p.xix)
1. Anarchist Communism
2. Japanese Anarchism to 1923 (p.21)
- Kotoku Shusui and Anarchism (p.21)
- High Treason and its aftermath (p.30)
- The End of the 'Winter Period' (p.35)
3. Hatta Shūzō: Christian Pastor to Anarchist Militant (p.45)
- Origins and Education (p.46)
- Provincial Clergyman (p.50)
- Anarchist Propagandist (p.56)
- Theoretician of Pure Anarchism (p.60)
- Decline and Death (p.64)
4. Organisational Confrontation: Pure Anarchists Versus Syndicalists 1926–31 (p.69)
- Kokuren (p.69)
- Zenkoku Jiren (p.75)
- Zenkoku Jiren's Second Conference (p.83)
- Kokuren and Zenkoku Jiren after the split (p.87)
- The Anarchist Syndicalists (p.95)
5. Critique of the Old World (p.101)
- Syndicalism (p.101)
- The Division of Labour (p.104)
- The Class Struggle (p.111)
- Physiocracy (jūnōshugi) (p.118)
- Science (p.123)
- Marxism (p.128)
6. Hope for a New World (p.137)
- Social Physiology (p.138)
- Decentralisation (p.141)
- Abolishing the Division of Labour and Exploitation (p.146)
- Taking Consumption as the Basis (p.151)
- A World to Win (p.154)
7. Repression 1931–6 (p.159)
- Zekoku Jiren after 1931 (p.160)
- Nōson Seinen Sha (Farming Villages Youth Association) (p.172)
- Nihon Museifu Kyōsantō (Anarchist Communist Party of Japan) (p.180)
8. Pure Anarchism: an Assessment (p.189)
- Notes (p.205)
- Selected Bibliography (p.217)
- Index (p.221)



8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 24, 2016

Brilliant! Even though we reviewed this book by my old departed comrade in issue 17 of the UK Subversion journal (on line here) I no longer have a copy so this is most welcome.
Worth mentioning also John's earlier limited edition book on 'The Origins of Socialist Thought in Japan' as a companion.

Serge Forward

8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on November 24, 2016

And considering the hard copy original is up for sale for a couple of hundred knicker then it's very welcome. By the way, the AF's/John Crump's Anarchist movement in Japan pamphlet is an abridgement of this.


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on November 24, 2016


Brilliant! Even though we reviewed this book by my old departed comrade in issue 17 of the UK Subversion journal (on line here) I no longer have a copy so this is most welcome.
Worth mentioning also John's earlier limited edition book on 'The Origins of Socialist Thought in Japan' as a companion.

I could only find an ebook of The Origins of Socialist Thought in Japan

klas batalo

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on April 11, 2017

yeah this is awesome to have thank you!


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on September 2, 2017

I've just started this, very interesting stuff.