David Graeber discusses the history of social theory and its contemporary relevancy. Copied to clipboard Attachments 20060525-Graeber.pdf (119.33 KB) anarchism anthropology David Graeber Comments
Fragments of an anarchist anthropology - David Graeber Professor of anthropology David Graeber provides an overview of the possibilities for an anarchist…
Did Communism Make Us Human? On the anthropology of David Graeber – by Chris Knight A critique of David Graeber’s understanding of communism.
David Graeber Interview with ReadySteadyBook Radical academic David Graeber speaks to ReadySteadyBook about his ideas on Marxism, his expulsion from Yale University and anarchist…
The promise of an anarchist anthropology: the three burials of the anarchist project - Natalia Buier In this article, anthropologist Natalia Buier discusses David Graeber’s proposition…
‘Wrong About (Almost) Everything’ – a review of ‘The Dawn of Everything’ by David Graeber & David Wengrow 'The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity', David Graeber and David…
The Twilight of Vanguardism David Graber looks at how intellectual vanguardist attitudes have continued into an age when revolutionary vanguardism is meant to be a thing of the past.