An issue of the London-based Black Flag magazine from the early 2000s.

- Rough In Hackney - East London Borough Goes Bankrupt
- Mark Barnsley
- Cock Up Or Conspiracy - Fascists Target Pub
- Mayday 2001
- Whistleblowers Get Red Card - Shop Stewards Sacked By Private Benefit Firm
- Toxic Shock - French Factory Occupation
- Korean Revival - Anarchist Network Returns
- Brand News - Swedish Anarchist Magazine Charged With Incitement
- Nice In Nice - EU Summit Protests
- Crackdown On Prison Solidarity - Spanish Anarchists Targeted And Arrested
- A New Intifada - Palestine: Where Now?
- Postcard From Prague - First Hand Account of S26 Demos
- Reforming Zeal - Football and Surveillance
- We're All Staying - Gentrification Struggles in Berlin
- Secrets and Lies - David Shayler
- Authoritarians, Vanguards and Anti-Capitalist Movements
- Curing The English Disease - Working Class Resistance past, present and future
- Forever In Debt - Strategies for action against debt profiteers
- Satpal Ram
- Chattanooga Three
- Irish Republican Prisoners
- Zolo Amnia
- George Bulsara
- Nikos Maziotis
- Philadelphia
- Mayday Prisoners
- Hunger Strikes in Turkey
- Free Mumuia Abu Jamal CD
- Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Locked Up by Mark Barnsley
- Up Against The Odds
- The Couriers Are Revolting
- Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left by Murray Bookchin
- Wrong Steps - Errors in the Spanish Revolution by Garcia Oliver
- The Anarchist of Casas Vieja by Jerome Minz
- Contacts
Our last issue centred on Seattle and the emergence of an international militant anti-capitalism and the anarchist content of this supposed 'new social movement'. it came out around Mayday 2000 which saw a brilliant conference in London bringing together diverse strands of anarchist and anti-capitalist groups and individuals. And the cops were there too. Almost a year on Prague stands out as another milestone for the anti-capitalist movement in more ways than ore.This time the Socialist Workers Party were on the bandwagon, they've been taking almost as much interest in the anarchist movement as the old bill have. Their clowning aside, we still have to face up to the fact that anti-capitalist riot tourism means almost as little to most working class people as the paper sales and posturing of the left. Whatever we think about third world debt, we are all facing massive debt repayments to banks and loan sharks, through bankrupt councils and bankrupt governments. Globalisation begins at home.
On the subject of debt, Black Flag owe our printers well over £2,000 now. This is not because we stuck it all up our collective nose but because we have failed to put the price up for years and increased the quality of the magazine to try and reach more people than before. Subs and sales are up but not enough to make a difference: we can't build up debts indefinitely. If you think this magazine is worth supporting we need anything from one off donations - and thank you to all of you who have sent us money over the past year, standing orders, benefits and so on are all vital if we are not to go under. Money was not the only problem we had putting this issue out. We do need more people to get involved in production and distribution, taking on responsibility as well as being supportive, as well as writing. We want to get back to a useful regularity but we all want to maintain political and personal commitments, the reasons why we want this magazine and the wider revolutionary movement to succeed.