Aufheben's late 1990s pamphlet, appendix and epilogue on workfare and unemployed struggles. Copied to clipboard Dole autonomy versus the re-imposition of work: analysis of the current tendency to workfare in the UK Appendix: Workfare - the USA case 'Dole autonomy and work re-imposition': an epilogue Book traversal links for Dole autonomy versus the re-imposition of work The politics of anti-road struggle and the struggles of anti-road politics - the case of the No M11 link road campaign Up Dole autonomy versus the re-imposition of work: analysis of the current tendency to workfare in the UK Printer-friendly version Aufheben Comments
Death of a paper tiger: reflections on Class War Class War's attempt to break out of the anarchist ghetto, which had been dominated by eccentrics and liberal pacifists, has had a profound impact…
Review: Carry on Recruiting Aufheben reviews the Trotwatch pamphlet about British far left group the Socialist Workers Party, carry on recruiting.
Review: Bad: the autobiography of James Carr Aufheben's review of James Carr's autobiography. Carr was a gang-member and jail-bird in 1960's California, became deeply politicized while…
Intakes: Fascism/Anti-Fascism - Barrot Replies 'Jean Barrot' responds to our review of his influential text Fascism/Anti-fascism: 'The proletariat is not weak because it's divided: its…
Picket and Pot Banger Together - Class recomposition in Argentina? Aufheben analyse the Argentinian uprising of 2001 and its roots in neoliberal economic policies and…