Oakland general strike, 2011. A set of introductory articles written or compiled by libcom.org clearly explaining key issues and topics from a libertarian communist perspective. Author libcom.org Copied to clipboard This article in: Español | Français | Italiano | Português | Türkçe | Nederlands libcom.org: an introduction Capitalism: an introduction Class: an introduction State: an introduction Work: an introduction Unions: an introduction Direct action: an introduction Environment: an introduction Libertarian communism: an introduction Book traversal links for libcom introductory guide libcom.org: an introduction Printer-friendly version libertarian communism libcom.org Comments When will the intros on… When will the intros on nationalism, race and gender come out? Are the admins no longer working on these?
When will the intros on… When will the intros on nationalism, race and gender come out? Are the admins no longer working on these?
Parecon or libertarian communism? A debate over 'anti-capitalist vision' between the Project for a Participatory Society, proponents of Parecon, and the libcom.org group.
Libertarian communism and capitalism - an introduction libcom.org's old basic introduction to our understanding of the world as it is, what we think can be done to make it better, and how a libertarian communist society could function. We no longer think it is particularly good but reproduce it for reference. We have largely replaced it with our introductory guides.
Libertarian communism: an introduction A short introduction to what we at libcom.org refer to as communism or libertarian communism, what it is and why we think it is a good idea.
libcom.org: an introduction libcom.org is a resource for all people who wish to fight to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss, learn from successes and failures of the past and develop strategies to increase the power we, as ordinary people, have over our own lives.
Basic principles of revolutionary organisation A brief outline of basic points of agreement which we think are the minimum necessary to be the basis of potentially productive pro-revolutionary…
When will the intros on…
When will the intros on nationalism, race and gender come out? Are the admins no longer working on these?