Teamsters local opposes Iraq war - Uprise! press release

Submitted by Steven. on February 16, 2007

Press release from revolutionary UPS workers group Uprise! announcing its Teamsters Local 705 approving its resolution to oppose the drive for the Iraq war.

On Sunday, October 18, Teamsters Local 705, at its general meeting, resolved to oppose Bush's drive for war against Iraq.

With over 300 members attending, the meeting overwhelmingly approved a resolution proposed by members of the Uprise! group, and supported by veterans, socialists, and the Secretary-Treasurer Jerry Zero.

Teamsters Local 705, based in Chicago IL, is the second largest Teamsters Local in the U.S, and among the largest locals of any union in the country.

705 was part of the historic 1997 UPS strike, and well known for assisting other area unions struggling for justice.

The resolution reads as follows:

"Resolution Against the War
-Whereas, we value the lives of our sons and daughters, of our brothers and sisters more than Bush's control of Middle East oil profits
-Whereas, we have no quarrel with the ordinary working-class men, women, and children of Iraq who will suffer the most in any war
-Whereas, the billions of dollars being spent to stage and execute this invasion, means billions taken away from our schools, hospitals, housing, and social security
-Whereas, Bush's drive for war serves as a cover and a distraction for the sinking economy, corporate corruption, lay-offs, Taft-Hartley (used against the locked out ILWU longshoremen)
-Whereas, Teamsters Local 705 is known far and wide as fighters for justice

Be it Resolved that Teamsters Local 705 stands firmly against Bush's drive for war

Further Resolved that the Teamsters Local 705 Executive Board publicize this statement, and seek out other unions, labor and community activists interested in promoting anti-war activity in the labor movement and community."

We ask all those who support and are encouraged by this statement to contact Teamsters Local 705 to offer support:
Teamsters Local 705
312 738-2800 or


Uprise! is a small group of workers at two UPS facilities in the Chicago area who publish a newsletter and campaigned for a "No" vote to the latest UPS-Teamsters Contract, getting 35%. Uprise wants to "organize against the UPS bosses and all that the stand for." Uprise! is currently based on 5 points of unity:
1. We are independent 2. We are for direct action 3. We are for direct democracy 4. We are against racism and sexism and homophobia 5. We are for a revolutionary movement against exploitation

Uprise! can be contacted at 773 523-9201 or
