On the Line No. 2 (December 1994-January 1995) The No. 2 (December 1994-January 1995) issue of On the Line, a newsletter of Workers Solidarity Alliance in the New York/New Jersey area.
Teamsters Raid On IWW Drive Fails An article about an attempted Teamster raid on an IWW campaign in New York. Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker (December 2005).
The Teamsters election: another lesson in corruption - Eric Chester An article by Eric Chester about corruption and bureaucracy in the Teamsters. Originally appeared in…
Industrial Worker #1694 (April 2007) The April 2007 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
New York City municipal workers' strike, 1971 - Steven Johns A short history of a two-day strike by thousands of New York city workers in pursuit of a pension…
Review: Chris Rhomberg, The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor (2012) A critical review of Chris Rhomberg's The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper…
The Teamsters wildcat strike, 1970 - Jeremy Brecher A short history of the militant nationwide wildcat strike of truck drivers in the Teamsters union against a union-management agreed pay rise of …
The Minneapolis Teamsters strike, 1934 - Jeremy Brecher Jeremy Brecher's short history of the militant and successful strike of truck drivers in Minneapolis…
1934 Minneapolis Teamsters strike photo gallery Images from the 1934 Teamsters strike in Minneapolis, one of the most iconic strikes in American history. The strikers shut down transport of…
One day in July: Remembering the 1934 Minneapolis Teamster strike An article written on the 1934 strike in Minneapolis for the 'One Day in July' festival.
The Teamster Raid on the UTU: A Dispatch from the civil war in the Canadian Transport Industry This article is based on several interviews with workers that IWW members spoke…
How Teamsters quelled fascist thugs Excerpts from the book Teamster Politics by Farrell Dobbs describing how in the 1930s Teamsters Local 544 and other unionists formed a defense…