10 Walking around. Not very glamorous, but in some workplaces it's the easiest way of getting a few minutes to yourself. If necessary, carry some documents or look purposeful

9 Chatting. The staple activity of work-avoidance. Wandering about, talking to co-workers, or phoning friends. And you're unlikely to get into trouble, because after all you could be talking about work!

8 Pilfering. You can never have too many biros. Of course it's better if you work somewhere that has anything decent, but take back as much of your surplus value as possible

7 Having cigarette breaks. Even if you don't smoke, it's worth pretending - five minutes off whenever want

6 Having a shit. Getting paid to go the loo, and not having to pay for paper. It's a win-win situation - and you can afford to take your time cos no one's going to ask questions

5 Tea breaks. Making the tea gets you brownie points with your colleagues, and gives you a good ten minutes off

4 Printing and photocopying pamphlets from prole.info

3 Organising. Undermining your team's work ethic, planning collective shirking or discussing improvements you can demand on your pay and conditions. And taking the piss out of any arsehole managers and jobsworths

2 Having sex. Either with someone else, or on your own - either way works. Try crying out "I'm getting paid - for this!" at the end. It feels good.

1 Chatting on the libcom.org forums. And reading your way through the libcom.org library, and all the other content on libcom.org. And the rest of the internet of course - don't forget to keep your eyes open and have those fingers over the alt-tab keys!