Italian miners barricade themselves underground with 350kg of explosives to prevent pit closure

100 Sardinian workers in Italy's only coal mine have barricaded themselves into the Carbosulcis mine overnight, with 350kg of company explosives. The occupation comes ahead of a government meeting to decide the future of the pit.

Submitted by Ramona on August 27, 2012

The mine has a history of worker's occupations, having previously been occupied in 1984, 1993, and 1995, when it was occupied for 100 days.

The mine has decreased in productivity in recent years, and the workers want to see the mine diversified into a combined mining and carbon capture site, instead of being closed altogether.

The miners have pledged to remain in the pit, nearly 400m underground, indefinitely. More news and updates as we find them.



12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Alessandro on August 27, 2012

Wrong photo? lol


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on August 27, 2012

Oh fucksake. Well, that's what Reuters ran with...


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on August 27, 2012

Video here, doesn't say much though


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by NannerNannerNa… on August 31, 2012

Isn't it awesome that fucking NO ONE is covering this? Christ, this has got to be some of the most dramatic things In recent history.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by generAl_emancipation on September 23, 2012

Translation into german:

Italienische Kumpels verbarrikadieren sich unterirdisch mit 350kg Sprengstoff um die Schließung ihrer Mine zu verhindern

100 Sardinische Kumpel wollen so die Verhandlungen seitens der Regierung über die Fortsetzung des Betriebs unter Druck setzen.
Die Mine hat eine entsprechende Geschichte, sie wurde bereits in den Jahren 1984, 1993 und 1995 für 100 Tage besetzt.
Die Produktivität der Mine ist in den letzten Jahren gesunken, die Arbeiter wollen diese in einen kombinierten Betrieb umwandeln, in dem CO2-Abscheidung und Kohlenabbau passieren soll.
Die Kumpels entschieden sich deshalb unbefristet 400m unter der Erde zu bleiben.