Information on and guides to organising and participating in demonstrations, marches, pickets and other similar activities safely and effectively. Copied to clipboard Being Trans and Protesting Guide to public order situations Section 60 advice guide Terrorism Act 2000 guide An activist's guide to basic first aid Book traversal links for Demonstrations guide Demonstrations and law enforcement Up Being Trans and Protesting Printer-friendly version demonstrations Comments
The Manchester protest against Aaron Porter was not anti-Semitic! The unsubtantiated claims of anti-semitic abuse directed towards Aaron Porter in the press masks the…
Brief report from a brief visit to Madison - Loren Goldner A piece by Loren Goldner about his trip to Madison, Wisconsin to join the protests around collective…
Andries Tatane: Murdered by the ruling classes South African activist Andries Tatane was buried in the small rural town of Ficksburg yesterday. He was murdered by the police on a demonstration…
Spain: Anarchists and the May 15 movement: reflections and proposals A reflection article written by anarchists in Madrid on the occupation at Puerta del Sol, leading up…
Italy: NO TAV press conference – “This is the people’s resistance” In the midst of the riot porn that can be found on the internet about the NO TAV protests of Sunday…
Occupy Rome 15 October 2011 A summary of yesterday’s events would be useless, as I’m pretty sure by now you’ve all read the big headlines about riots and clashes with the…