Information on and guides to organising and participating in demonstrations, marches, pickets and other similar activities safely and effectively. Copied to clipboard Being Trans and Protesting Guide to public order situations Section 60 advice guide Terrorism Act 2000 guide An activist's guide to basic first aid Book traversal links for Demonstrations guide Demonstrations and law enforcement Up Being Trans and Protesting Printer-friendly version demonstrations Comments
Irish Ferries - Thousands of workers say no to slavery on the high seas An estimated 150,000 took part in the day of action in solidarity with Irish Ferries workers across Ireland.
Anti-CPE Movement: Bordeaux, 7th March 2006 Photos of the March 7th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Bordeaux.
Chicago, US: 10,000 march for immigrant rights Last Saturday downtown Chicago was paralysed by tens of thousands of people marching for immigrants' rights. Joshua Hoyt examines this growing…
1.5 million expected to join French CPE protests A million, maybe more. This is the figure organisers of the anti-CPE movement hope to exceed on the day of demonstrations against the government…
Police say 35,000 protest in Lille Tens of thousands take to the streets in Lille and across Brittany against the new CPE labour laws.