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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
The 10 July public sector strike and going beyond formula Phil 1 10 years ago
Rebranding fascism: national anarchists - Spencer Sunshine Juan Conatz 2 10 years ago
Sabotage in the workplace - flaneur 2 10 years ago
The Greek Makhnovists Battlescarred 10 10 years ago
Repression against Crimean activists S2W 1 10 years ago
Makhno: the impressions of a French journalist - Stéphane Roger Karetelnik 5 10 years ago
The truth about the million dollar coffee company Recomposition 1 10 years ago
The making of the English working class - E. P. Thompson Spassmaschine 10 10 years ago
'Libertarian in spirit': the left and Maidan Gabriel Levy 5 10 years ago
General strikes and the struggle against austerity in Spain Django 465 10 years ago
Response to racist TEFL blog Angry Language Brigade 6 10 years ago
Caroline Lucas: Green scab Steven. 14 10 years ago
Hunger Strike in all Greek prisons Thrasybulus 4 10 years ago
Trotsky’s defence. Response to Trotsky - Victor Serge Reddebrek 2 10 years ago
Why prisons are built as schools are closed down - Arturo Juan Conatz 2 10 years ago
"War on the Palaces! Peace to the Cottages!" S2W 6 10 years ago
Did teenage anarchists trigger World War I? What were the politics of the assassins of Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914? sopherl 13 10 years ago
Lara, Maruja aka Angustias Lara Sanchez (1917-2012) Battlescarred 1 10 years ago
Ukraine: nothing to expect from Europe or Russia Guerre de Classe 1 10 years ago
Anti-fascists mobilise against Polish neo-Nazis Anonymous 3 10 years ago