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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
What I would do with $55,000: Our need for accountability and our failure to realize opportunities and build movements Juan Conatz 13 12 years 3 months ago
Notes on Trotsky, Pannekoek, Bordiga - Gilles Dauvé Steven. 1 12 years 3 months ago
Staff rooms: a place to organise jef costello 8 12 years 3 months ago
3 years of organizing under Right-to-Work Juan Conatz 2 12 years 3 months ago
Libcom on facebook! libcom 26 12 years 3 months ago
Kropotkin and the scientific community in England in the 1870s and 80s Choccy 13 12 years 3 months ago
The Role of the Dual Carder in the IWW - Joshua Freeze Juan Conatz 1 12 years 3 months ago
F*ck you judge! Sabotaging King county council cash orgy working class self organisation 7 12 years 3 months ago
Endnotes: Two aspects of austerity scissors 2 12 years 3 months ago
Response to the Americans on gender - Theorie Communiste Spassmaschine 2 12 years 3 months ago
Police attack protesting students in Santa Monica working class self organisation 10 12 years 3 months ago
Toward a Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy Operaista 1 12 years 3 months ago
Joel Olson RIP Juan Conatz 10 12 years 3 months ago
Worker co-operatives and democracy - Bernard Marszalek Django 1 12 years 3 months ago
Capitalism, class and class struggle for (ex) dummies Jared 16 12 years 3 months ago
The Middlesex Declaration of the European Precariat - Beyond ESF 2004 libcom 2 12 years 3 months ago
Workers divided as teachers and lecturers strike alone in London Battlescarred 11 12 years 3 months ago
Interviews with organizers: Canada’s postal struggles & the New School occupation Recomposition 1 12 years 3 months ago
Forces of labor - Beverly J Silver Anonymous 9 12 years 3 months ago
Wildcat strikers get ready to defend themselves akai 3 12 years 3 months ago