“I Outlived Them All”: Reflections on Survival Article by Tana Ganeva about the life and experiences of 93 year old Bulgarian anarchist, Tsvetana Dhermanova.
All things considered - Nadine Bloch A situationist and feminist critique of situationists, from 1976.
Notice Concerning the Reigning Society and Those Who Contest It Berkeley situationist flyer from November 1974 signed by Tita Carrión, Robert Cooperstein, Isaac…
Against Ur-Fascism The study of fascism has a problem of basic definition. It is widely agreed that fascism has certain common tendencies but the reason for this is usually not stated. An example is the essay "Ur-Fascism" by Umberto Eco. He attempts to describe a proto-fascist situation by its symptoms rather than making a root diagnosis. In many cases, a symptoms-first approach can be productive. Still, it is this approach which can…
On a Critical Thinking Under Influence. An Interview with Russell Jacoby Interview with US historian Russell Jacoby.
The Prestige Of Terror A short text by Franco-Egyptian Surrealist and socialist agitator Georges Henein on the state of the world around him.
Het licht van de Verlichting. De symboliek van het moderne en de uitdrijving van de nacht. In dit korte artikel wijst Robert Kurz erop hoe de Verlichting onze begrippen van tijd en ruimte geheel in overeenstemming met het opkomende kapitalisme (waren- en arbeidsmaatschappij) smeedde.
Het licht van de Verlichting. De symboliek van het moderne en de uitdrijving van de nacht. In dit korte artikel wijst Robert Kurz erop hoe de Verlichting onze begrippen van tijd en ruimte geheel in overeenstemming met het opkomende kapitalisme smeedde.
SchNEWSreader 1994/5 Anthology of the first 51 issues of SchNEWS + additional articles, cartoons etc.
Rising Free Collective/Bookshop Catalog - Sept 1973 September 1973 catalog for anarchist/situationist/left communist bookshop/collective Rising Free, which at the time was at 197 Kings Cross Road…
Beyond the crisis of abstraction and the abstract break with that crisis: The SI - Jon Horelick Originally appeared as one A4 sheet published by Diversion and later appeared in…