Reading ICO The S.I. on the councillist group Information-Correspondance Ouvrière and Solidarity. From Internationale Situationniste #11 (October 1967).
C.L.R. James and the Fate of Marxism - Cornelius Castoriadis A lecture delivered under the auspices of the C.L.R. James Society, the Africana Studies Department,…
Ludd newsletter (1966 seamen's strike) A series of two page anarcho-syndicalist newsletters produced by Albert Meltzer, Joe Thomas, Albert Grace and others in support of the British…
Cuddon's Cosmpolitan Review #10 (August 1966) Articles including: the Provos in Amsterdam, reprint of Situationist International article on the Watts riots, Albert Meltzer on crisis-mongers,…
Cuddon's Cosmopolitan Review June 1965 Topics covered include: Charles Radcliffe on Blues music, review of poetry event at Royal Albert Hall, Albert Meltzer on theatre people, poetry.
Cuddon's Cosmopolitan Review #06 November 1965 Articles on the prosecution of Dave Cunliffe for the publication of "The Golden Convolvulus" - an anthology of erotica, Albert Meltzer ("Old Lag"…
The Atlantic Slave-Trade - CLR James & William Gorman Johnson-Forest Tendency member William Gorman and C.L.R. James on the Atlantic slave trade. [This…
Beyond Measure: C.L.R. James Influence on the League of Revolutionary Black Workers - Kimathi Mohammed Kimathi Mohammed gives a firsthand account of C.L.R. James' influence on the League…
France 2023: “Pension Reform” or Critique of Work? Collection of writings on the wave of protests and strikes against the increase in the retirement age in France from 62 to 64.
On Marx's Essays from the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts - CLR James [The three essays by Karl Marx to which this was an introduction in 1947 were "Alienated Labour", …
George Jackson - CLR James [This short article, appraising George Jackson and establishing the links between his generation and that of people such as Du Bois and James…
Paul Robeson: Black Star - CLR James [This memoir of a man whom James has described as “one of the most remarkable men of the century” was first published in Black World in November…