Orwell's list George Orwell towards the end of his life kept a list of 'crypto-communists and fellow travellers' including Alex Comfort, author of the Joy of Sex and sometimes contributor to anarchist…
The people’s movement desperately needs working class solidarity This article is about the lack of working class’ support to the people’s movement. It analyses the…
How to Write a Press Release A basic guide to writing press releases, compiled by Rachel Perrotta using edited press releases from Good Kids Mad City (GKMC).
Signs of the times / Images from the future: Thoughts on the “yellow vests” and the revolt in France - Void Network Almost two months after their emergence the yellow vests are still here! The…
Looking forward in anger - AngryWorkers’ review of 2018 and plans for the new year Comrades, 2019 will be a good one! The political honchos from left to right are in chaos, the crisis…
Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different To see the new phase of the crisis, which began with the bursting of the speculative bubble in 2008, as just a repeat of the same decades-long…
Todas Contra Bolsonaro! Todas contra Bolsonaro e a nova direita! No dia primeiro de janeiro de 2019, Jair Bolsonaro assumirá a presidência do Brasil. Sua candidatura…
All Out Against Bolsonaro! An Appeal from Brazil A call from Brazilian anarchists: On January 1, 2019, Jair Bolsonaro will assume the presidency of Brazil. His candidacy, his government, and his…
Gilets Jaunes on the streets for social justice Despite the French national flags being waved by the protesters, local libertarian communist Riton said he had no worries about the political…
1979 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan An interview with a former Soviet army veteran and a member of the Soviet News Agency's Afghan news desk about the Soviet Union's invasion of…
Anti- dialectics This is an interview with Rosa Lichtenstein, philosopher known for her criticism of dialectics.
Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism A Lecture delivered in Paris, November 27 1893 by Gabriel Deville. https://www.marxists.org/archive/deville/1893/socialism-revolution.htm This…