Class War #60 1993 Including: Queen Mum nearly dead, gentrification, community justice in Macclesfield, Labour bans Connolly march, Ireland news, single parents…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 49 - 1 March 1919) Including: the miners' demands, a soldier's account of WWI, Crossley Motors strike, David Ramsey…
The Situation of Left Communist Groups By the Council Communist "Röte Kämpfer", this text talks about the situation of various Council Communist groups in Germany in 1932 and draws the…
Reflections on the May Revolt By the French Council Communist "Groupe Communiste de Conseils", this text talks about the May 68 Events in France while also talking about the…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 48 - 22 February 1919) Including: America and Mexico, Edward Garnett on European politics, The League of Nations by Sylvia…
Max Hoelz' Autobiography "They sacrificed revolutionary unity for their party unity." The following is a translation of a short autobiographical work by Max Hoelz…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 47 - 15 February 1919) Including: "Ireland, Marx and Internationalism" by Captain White, Russia, London shop stewards…
[alayhesarmaye] Syria, War, Partition, and the Fate of the Working Masses / CLASS WAR / We present here a short contribution from a group of comrades in Iran about the recent…