June Days: Paris 1848 Account of the events in June 1848 when the workers of Paris rose up against the conservative republican government and its plans to abolish…
Orange Tree Conspiracy: 1848 The page recounts how some London Chartists tried to organise an armed rebellion – known as the Orange Tree conspiracy – following the rejection…
Trafalgar Square Riots of 1848 This page reports how disgruntled workers took over a planned peaceful protest and set off a week of rioting in central London. It names more…
Ashton-under-Lyne rising of 1848 This account of the events of 14 August 1848, when an armed Chartist “National Guard” shot dead a police officer in the town of Ashton-under-Lyne…
The general strike of 1842 As many as half a million workers may have been caught up in a strike wave which linked demands for the Charter and an end to pay cuts. This page…
Critique’s quarrel with church and state (excerpt) - Edgar Bauer The young Edgar Bauer (1820-1886) was credited by Gustav Landauer and Max Nettlau with founding the…
The reaction in Germany - Mikhail Bakunin 'Die Reaktion in Deutschland. Ein Fragment von einem Franzosen’ first appeared in Arnold Ruge (ed.), Deutsche Jahrbücher fur Wissenschaft and…
Toast to the revolution - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon An address from Proudhon to the people of Europe about the importance of the wave of Revolutions sweeping through Europe. It also outlines…
Journal of an early labor organizer An article by Philip Foner introducing the journal of an 1840s labor organizer from New England.
1839-1846: The Anti-Renter movement Howard Zinn's short history of the Anti-Renter movement against the patroonship system, created in the 1660s when the Dutch ruled New York.