Who were the Grzechists? A number of conflicting political currents had their beginning in the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland (KPRP). One of the earliest of these…
Kim byli grzechiści? W ramach Komunistycznej Partii Robotniczej Polski (KPRP) wyodrębniło się wiele, często sprzecznych, kierunków politycznych. Jednym z…
Krótka historia Komunistycznej Partii Robotniczej Polski Historia niemieckiej i włoskiej „ultralewicy” lat dwudziestych XX wieku jest stosunkowo dobrze znana…
List radnego W. Kowalskiego do Prezydium Rady Miejskiej m. Warszawy (1918) W tym liście Władysław Kowalski (pseudonim Grzech, Ślusarski; 1883-1937), członek SDKPiL a później…
A Wobbly Martyr's Grave - Bob Helms An article by Bob Helms about finding the former home and grave of Martynas Petkus, a IWW member who was shot and killed by police during a strike in 1917. Originally appeared in Industrial Worker #1617 (November 1998)
The last words of Eugen Leviné Eugen Leviné (1883 – 1919) was one of the leaders of the short-lived Bavarian Council Republic and a member of the Communist Party of Germany…
From the Founding Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland A translation of two documents from the 1918 Founding Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of…
A Brief History of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland The history of the German and Italian left is relatively well known, even if mainly within left…
'To the proletariat of Poland!' – joint proclamation of the SDKPiL, PPS-Left and the Bund from August 1914 On the eve of the First World War, the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland…