Fuck the 'new' Nature Writing - Stuart & David Wise ....marking the failure of eco-engage to encounter total revolutionary critique...... Memoirs of an indefatigable note-taker. Written 2009 and…
Art + Politics = Revolution - John Barker An early text by John Barker, republished as part of "The Lost Ones Around King Mob" on the Revolt Against Plenty website.
Culture and Revolution "...presented as a 'talk' though read out from a longish, typed-up, half finished text, which was quickly discarded and left to literally rot. Though in the Newcastle ambience it was delivered to an assembly of people loosely around John Lyle's surrealist group in Exeter together with local hippy dropouts and some dissident art students."
The Arts In Our Time - Ron Hunt A short text by Icteric founder Ron Hunt. 'The Arts in our Time' was handed out in the bustling Newcastle Haymarket two months prior to the May 1968 uprising in France.
A Recuperative, though insightful comment from an exhibition at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm Ronald Hunt on the 'Transform the world! Poetry must be made by all' exhibition in…
The Great Communications Breakdown - Ron Hunt A short text by Icteric founder Ron Hunt. 'The Great Communications Breakdown' was handed for free as a small gestetnered pamphlet.
King Mob: Icteric & the Newcastle Experience from the early to late 1960s Thoughts on Butterfly migration and Icteric - a 'radical' arts magazine produced in Newcastle upon…
Land Art, Icteric and William Wordsworth - David and Stuart Wise Land art and Icteric. Plus Wordsworthian environment emotion recollected on tranquilisers (er,…
Kurt Schwitters and a Merzbau / Rubbish, Jiggery Pokery and the Wise Bros........ A 2013 text by Dave & Stuart Wise on German surrealist/dadaist Kurt Schwitters' "Merz barn" in the…
FOTOGRAFI, PROTES, DAN KEKUATAN MASYARAKAT DI JEPANG, 1960-1975 Di tengah pergolakan sosial dan politik, para fotografer dan pembuat film Jepang tidak hanya merekam…
"The Physical Impossibility of Hirst in the Minds of the Living" - Stuart Wise A 2008 article by Stuart Wise on the artist Damien Hirst.
"Meccano on Crack" Or "Tatlin on Crack" - Stuart Wise A Psychotic Amalgam of Architecture/Sculpture/Engineering. The unveiling on April Fools Day of Anish…