Staughton Lynd’s classic "Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism" (1968) Notes that were taken in graduate school.
The Working Class Holds the Key to a New World Such a world will be organised according to the original motto of Karl Marx “from each according to their ability; to each according to their…
Mexico: Is It Business As Usual? The recent massive victory of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who headed up a left populist movement in Mexico was greeted with jubilation by the…
Down with the Bourgeois Republic! Down with Its Constitution! – Amadeo Bordiga An article from 1947 by Amadeo Bordiga in which he discusses the debate over the constitution of the…
夫人VS将军:民主的限制与缅甸的未来 近日,由于罗兴亚救世军(ARSA)袭击了缅甸30余座边防警局,缅甸安全部队开始了大规模的反击与清剿,导致大量罗兴亚难民逃亡孟加拉国。因为此次的罗兴亚危机,缅甸国务资政兼外交部部长昂山素季饱受舆论指责,以至于有声音要求剥夺她的诺贝尔和平奖荣誉。
Hysterical populism - Robert Kurz Robert Kurz on scapegoating, moral panics and conspiracy theory culture.
Voting as Counter-Revolution – how the politicians who gave us the vote saw things 100 years ago A hundred years ago, the British ruling class decided to extend the vote to women…
Vote: what for? - Robert Lynn Small booklet by Robert ("Bobby") Lynn, Glasgow anarchist, who was born and lived in Calton Glasgow, one of Glasgow’s many slums. Started work as…
Turkey’s referendum: a win or what...? Does the electoral process, any kind of it, justify the dictatorial alteration of Democracy? Are the formation of law and the democratic…