The Ponce massacre, 1937 A short history of the massacre in Puerto Rico of peaceful demonstrators calling for the release of imprisoned separatist leader Pedro Campos by…
Sardinia: Demonstration against NATO’s Trident Juncture training On 3 November , Teulada military base in Sardinia was the focus of a demonstration to disrupt the…
Why reclaim the night? An introduction to and short history of the Reclaim the Night demonstrations against sexual violence against women. (Trigger warning: contains…
Massacre at the 'Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting' in Ankara This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) on today…
Argentine police break up bus drivers’ protest action Argentine National Police attacked a demonstration in support of locked-out bus drivers in the…
Disabled People Against Cuts storm British parliament This week severely disabled people from the activist group Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC)…
Solidarity in spring: challenging racist violence at Portland’s May Day 2015 A look at where the violence of the police took the stage at 2015's May Day event.
Liverpool IWW demonstrates for precarious workers A short account of a protest outside a job centre in Liverpool.
São Paulo: ongoing demonstrations against transit fare hikes Statement of the Brazilian Workers’ Confederation (COB, a section of the IWA-AIT) opposing the…
Picket at the Leicester Square School of English A re-blog from our friends at the Trade Onion detailing a joint IWW/ALB picket that occurred at the Leicester Square School of English last…