HARI KARI II – a multitude of sins A short follow-up to an exposal of liberal journalist Johann Hari's plagiarism
HARI KARI/HACKERY DSG's exposal of liberal journalist Johann Hari's plagiarism, which eventually became a scandal and led to his downfall as a respected journalist.
Twenty reasons why it’s kicking off in cyberspace DSG's article on the development of hacking as a political tool among activists and the response from state and capital.
Egypt, Bahrain, London, Spain?– Tahrir Square as a meme DSG's piece on resistance tactics as 'meme' and the emergence of public space occupations in North Africa and Europe.
A good day to bury bad policing DSG's article on the April 2011 raids of anti-austerity activists in the UK.
Why we should make the black bloc our leaders DSG aimed to publish posts and propaganda from various sources as provocation and stimulation. The following text was produced in a hurry without…
Deterritorial Support Group propaganda Complete archive of leaflets, graphics and posters from DSG, the ultraleft propaganda machine in it for the lulz and full communism, from 2011…
BIGGER CAGES/LONGER CHAINS: The March for the Alternative DSG aimed to publish posts and propaganda from various sources as provocation and stimulation. The…
ŽIŽEK/GAGA: Communism Knows No Monster DSG's now infamous article "by" Slavoj Žižek. Based on an in-joke in the UK student movement, it was picked up by the mainstream media in the US…
FREE/GRATIS- education as sabotage and the poverty of student rhetoric An article that attempts to tie in the anti-education cuts movement with a deeper critique of the…
Clockwork Utility DSG's article on the demonization of militant tactics at protests and the self-policing of the UK student movement by unions and liberals.
VIRAL/FERAL – Working class youth and the “social media revolution” An article by Deterritorial Support Group on the emerging utilization of social media and its potential for working class youth.