Wild socialism: Workers councils in revolutionary Berlin, 1918-21 - Martin Comack Wild Socialism examines the rise, development, and decline of revolutionary councils of industrial…
The left and rape : why we should all be ashamed of the left’s role in covering up the rape of 2 million women. A blogpost from an ex-Socialist Workers Party (UK) member about the neglect of the…
Decent wages and decent capitalism? Ha-Joon Chang argues that higher wages are good for workers and businesses alike. He's wrong.
Lampedusa-in-Hamburg refugee protests escalate: An update on recent weeks of protest Tonight comprised the culmination of over two weeks of huge protests in the city of Hamburg in…
The responsibility of peoples, and other essays in political criticism - Dwight Macdonald A collection of essays written by Dwight Macdonald, most of which appeared in his…
Klose, Helmut (1904-1987) A short biography of Helmut Klose, German anarchist and hobo who fought in the Spanish civil war.
German revolution 1918: reading guide Libcom.org's reading guide on the German Revolution of 1918, which ended the First World War and saw soldiers' and workers' councils spread…
Failure of a revolution: Germany 1918-1919 - Sebastian Haffner Interesting book examining the reasons for the failure of the German revolution. Reproduced for…
Trunk, Johann Sebastian, 1850-1933 Short biography of transnational anarchist Johann Sebastian Trunk, by Jared Davidson.
Fascism and Football A documentary on how the Fascist regimes of Spain, Italy and Germany made football an important pillar of their propaganda and the lengths they…
Radical America #19.05: Germany Left and Right Radical America #19.05: Germany Left and Right, including contributions from Moishe Postone.