Evictions and resistance in Western Cape Town 1600 residents of Delft, Cape Town gathered on Monday in a mass meeting to organise resistance against the eviction of 2000 of Cape Town's poorest families.
London: Improvements for the homeless A new campaign to improve the lot of homeless people in London has been gathering steam after it was launched by the London Coalition Against…
France: organisation amongst the homeless The treatment of the homeless, especially those who are immigrants the attitude of the French government, as does the resitance organised against…
Precarious workers and the cyber-homeless - Mayday march in Japan There are 2.3 million young casualised and part-time workers in Japan.
The Occupation of Art and Gentrification How an artistic presence was used to aid the gentrification of 1980s New York City.
Osaka park eviction Resistance to the evictions of Osaka's homeless community in Utsubo park and a protest at City Hall. See also our news coverage
Osaka homeless evictions meet resistance A tent village in Utsubo park, Osaka was evicted this month to make way for an international rose festival.
More Katrina survivors to be made homeless On Monday, February 13th, the New Orleans homeless population will skyrocket, and the survivors of Katrina will be victimised again.
Japan: Osaka's homeless resist evictions The Osaka Municipal Government is today removing homeless communities from two of its parks in preparation for the World Rose Convention.