The proletariat has to take up the struggle against religious fanaticism which reinforces the state and increases divisions within the exploited - Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti kapitálu The text against religious "fideism" which forms the body of this leaflet was…
Iran's incomprehensible revolution - AzarTabari Critical reviews of two books on the Iranian revolution by Iranian feminist Azar Tabari.
International dimension of the war - R. Keivan Text of a talk on the international dimensions of the Iran-Iraq war and particularly the posture that the West and the United States took towards…
The war and the Islamic state apparatus in Iran - Ali Ashtiani Article outlining the connection between the Iran-Iraq war and the internal tensions within Iran's…
Iranian intellectuals and dependency theory - M. Arman An interesting critique of the Iranian intellectual left who had their dogmas - particularly those…
Oil, arms and the Gulf War - Joe Stork Joe Stork examines the Iran-Iraq war from the viewpoint of its main material aspects - oil and arms.
The Gulf War as extinction of politics - Muhammad Ja'far Text from a talk by Muhammad Ja'far about the Iran-Iraq war, which he calls "the Third World's first…
Role of the Shi'i clergy in modern Iranian politics - Azar Tabari Analysis of the political evolution of Iran's Shi'ite clergy from the late 19th century to their…
Iran: Islam and the struggle for socialism - Mohammad Ja'far and Azar Tabari Interesting article looking critically at the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the mistakes made by…
Khamsin #12: The Gulf war/Arab nationalism and the Palestinian struggle The 12th issue of Khamsin, focused on the Iraq-Iran war, but also with articles on the Palestinian…