The anarchists who liberated Paris, and why they did it - Robert P Helms A short account of General Leclerc's 9th Company, better known as La Nueve, who were the first…
Torrano, Serge, 1950-2015 A short biography of the French libertarian communist railworker Serge Torrano.
L'enragé no. 1 A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by…
My time on the Metro: TEFL teaching in Paris A short blog reflecting on working as a travelling TEFL teacher in Paris and, in particular, the stress of daily unpaid travel time.
History of the Paris Commune of 1871 - Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray The Paris Commune was a pivotal event in the history of socialist thought.
Neither forgiving nor forgetting, only scores to settle A translation of a leaflet from France, regarding the murder of anti-fascist Clément Méric by…
Women in the cleaning sector and hotel-restaurant industry: syndicalist conversations The purpose of these interviews is to provide an insight into the situation and the struggles of…
Down and out in Paris and London - George Orwell Tramping memoirs from Orwell, where he worked in Paris as a dishwasher and then travelled around London, going from one bedsit to another.
Grassroots political militants: Banlieusards and politics French cities burst back into flames after President Sarkozy’s election on a ‘clean the scum off the…
Antifa - Chasseurs de skins Documentary about the rise of neo-nazi skinhead culture in 1980s Paris and how they were countered by a militant, multicultural underground…
The occupation of the factories: Paris 1936, Flint 1937 Interesting article comparing two waves of factory occupations that took place little more than six…