The soviets: the Russian workers, peasants and soldiers councils 1905-1921 - Oskar Anweiler A detailed study of the workers', soldiers' and peasants' councils which sprung up…
Letter from Amadeo Bordiga to Karl Korsch Letter written by Amadeo Bordiga in Naples, in October 1926 to German left communist Karl Korsch about his platform.
Our Position - Federation of Russian Anarchist Communist Groups of U.S. and Canada 1934 positions adopted at conference by exiled Russian anarchist-communists in the US and Canada on…
Manifesto on the Russian Revolution Exiled Russian and Ukrainian anarchist-communist views on the Russian Revolution issued in 1922.
Yaroshevskaya, Rebekka Yakoklevna (1887-1937 or after?) A short biography of anarchist Rebecca Yaroshevskaya active in Bialystok, Tashkent and Kharkov
Wild and notorious: Asnin, Shlema Aronovich (1884/1885-1917) A short biography of Shlema Asnin, colourful anarchist remembered for his role in the June-July days…