The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism Nicola Pizzolato on the commonalities between Detroit and Turin, Italy in the 1960s.
Workers’ inquiry: a genealogy Asad Haider and Salar Mohandesi's exhaustive look at 'workers' inquiries' and how they were practiced and theorized by the Johnson-Forest…
Maurice Brinton interview (1990) Interview with Chris Pallis (aka Maurice Brinton) produced by Agora International during the Cerisy Colloquium. He talks about the importance of…
Socialism or barbarism - Solidarity 1969 reprint of a text published jointly by Socialism Reaffirmed (later Solidarity), Socialisme Ou Barbarie, Unita Proletaria and Pouvoir…
From workers autonomy to social autonomy: the experience of Socialisme ou Barbarie. An interview with Daniel Blanchard - Amador Fernández-Savater Daniel Blanchard (a/k/a Pierre Canjuers) discusses his experience as a member of…
Worker autonomy: debate on the trade unions The following presents a commentary on a three-part debate (part 1, part 2 and part 3) conducted, within the pages of ultra-left journal…
The workers against bureaucracy The final in a three-part debate conducted within the pages of Marxist ultra-left journal Socialisme ou Barbarie on the nature of the trade…
Participation in trade unions The second in a three-part debate conducted within the pages of Marxist ultra-left journal Socialisme ou Barbarie on the nature of the trade…
Union bureaucracy and the workers The first in a three-part debate conducted in 1954 within the pages of Marxist ultra-left journal Socialisme ou Barbarie on the nature of the…
Review: "Socialisme ou Barbarie." Un engagement politique et intellectuel dans la France de I'après-guerre Marcel van der Linden reviews Philippe Gottraux's book on French libertarian…
Reply to Castoriadis - Pannekoek Pannekoek's final response to Castoriadis's letter in Socialisme ou Barbarie, translated by Asad Haider and Salar Mohandesi for Viewpoint…
Reply to Pannekoek - Castoriadis A reply to Pannekoek's letter to Socialisme ou Barbarie, translated by Asad Haider and Salar Mohandesi for Viewpoint Magzine.