Joe building: The Stalin memorial lecture - Jonathan Meades A sequel of sorts to Jerry Building this time examining Stalin and the Soviet Union.
November 1989: The working class trapped under the Velvet Tricolour Kolektivne Proti Kapitalu's analysis of the working-class and Stalinism's demise in the Czech…
Stakhanovism and the British workers Marie Louise Berneri's article on Stakhanovism and other methods imposed on workers in order to squeeze more productivity and profit out of them…
Review: Revolution and counterrevolution: Class struggle in a Moscow metal factory and worker resistance under Stalin: Class and revolution on the shop floor A review of two books on the topic of working class responses to Stalinism in the…
The strange story of Nikolai Starostin, football and Lavrentii Beria An article by Jim Riordan in the journal Europe-Asia Studies describing the fate of Nikolai…
HONGRIE 1956: «LE PROLETARIAT A L’ASSAUT DU CIEL» - Mouvement Communiste The original French version of the Mouvement Communiste pamphlet on Hungary 56.
Hungary ’56: “the proletariat storming heaven” - Mouvement Communiste Mouvement Communiste’s analysis of the Hungary ’56 workers’ uprising. Stresses the importance of the…
The Red Jacobins: Thermidor and the Russian Revolution in 1921 This article, which appeared in the self-titled magazine of the British group Permanent Revolution,…
“If we have rice, we can have everything”: a critique of Khmer Rouge ideology and practice Junge Linke on the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror in Cambodia, and its origins.
From one utopia to another - Anselm Jappe Anselm Jappe turns the tables on the apologists for capitalism who denounce “utopia” as the seed of Stalinist terror and as contrary to “human…
Strikes against Stalin in 1930s Russia - Jeffrey Rossman A detailed account and analysis of the Teikovo cotton workers' strike of April 1932, examining class…
Mokrousov, Alexei Vasilyevich ( Thomas Matyveyevich) 1887-1959 A short biography of Alexei Mokrousov, an anarchist guerrilla leader who went over to the…