Eric Hobsbawm The four volumes of Eric Hobsbawm's 'Age of...' series, charting the ages of Revolution (1789-1848), Capital (1848-1875), Empire (1875-1914) and Extremes (1914-1991). Copied to clipboard The age of revolution 1789-1848 - Eric Hobsbawm The age of capital 1848-1875 - Eric Hobsbawm The age of extremes 1914-1991 - Eric Hobsbawm Book traversal links for The age of... series - Eric Hobsbawm The age of revolution 1789-1848 - Eric Hobsbawm Printer-friendly version capitalism Eric J. Hobsbawm PDF Comments
Kapitalo: Karlo Markso La Kapitalo: Kritiko de la politika ekonomio Unua volumo Libro I: La produktadprocezo de la kapitalo Monda
Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx - Karl Kautsky Kautsky's book-length introduction to concepts in Marx's first volume of Capital.
Is capitalism a market society? German libertarian communist group Wildcat examine if capitalism is really a market society.
Credit unto Death - Anselm Jappe Anselm Jappe reflects on the significance of the ongoing crisis of commodity production and the reactions of mainstream commentators, the…
The anti-capitalist revolution in the west - Amadeo Bordiga In this concise1953 programmatic text presented at the Genoa Meeting of the International Communist…
Co-ops or workers' revolution? An article by Tom Wetzel (under a pseudonym) which lays out the limitations of cooperatives as an alternative to capitalism.